I Hate Dallas Winston

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For context, Dallas cheated on me again with some broad. I always forgive him because I believe he will change but it's Dally, he doesn't change. I've been ignoring him for weeks and a majority of the gang thinks that this is just another one of our fights and it'll just pass over in a day or two but I'm not letting that be the case.

Its been a week since I broke it off with Dally and Ponyboy keeps trying to get me to work something out between me and Dally but I've rejected the idea every time.

 *You and Ponyboy were sitting in the living room of the Curtis house.* "Come on y/n, I'm sure he was just drunk or something"

You were pissed. "And that makes it okay!?"

 "well- no but.." "No, I'm sick of you guys trying to make excuses for his stupid mistakes! I gave him plenty of chances and he messed all of them up!" 

Ponyboy just looked away and then you see him eyes widen. You realize this and ask what his issue is when he just gets up and leaves.

 "What the hell Pony!?" Then you look over and realize why he left. In the doorway was Dallas.

 You roll your eyes and get up bumping your shoulder into him as you passed him. He quickly turns around and grabs your wrist.

 "Y/n what is your issue!? I've been trying to talk to you all week after you ended our relationship and all you do is ignore me!" You turn around and try pulling your wrist away but his grip is too strong so you just give up and look down anger slowly filling you.

 "My issue!? Who wouldn't have an issue with their boyfriend cheating on them for the millionth time!?" You screamed.

 He looked shocked at you screaming at him. He has always known you as sweet Y/n who was always kind to everyone. He realized he had taken advantage of that niceness far too much.

 He pulled you into a tight hug and after a bit of struggle you broke down in his arms as he rubbed your back.

 "I'm sorry doll.." He sat you guys on the porch and continued to hold you and rub your back. You soon calmed down and he grabbed your face and kissed your forehead.

 "I'm real sorry Y/n, I really am." You shifted in his arms. "It's okay Dal. Just tell me, she didn't mean anything, right?" 

He hugged you and said, "of course not, she was just some random broad, I promise she didn't mean anything. I'm really sorry Y/n, it really won't happen again. I don't want to lose you"

 You sat up and kissed him. "I believe you, but if it happens again I won't hesitate to stick with breaking up with you." He smiled. "Does this mean we're back together?"

 You smiled a bit and nodded. His smile widened and he picked you up bridal style and started spinning you. You laughed and screamed at him to put you down and he eventually did. You guys finally settled and went back into the Curtis house and cuddled on the couch. 

(Hope you guys enjoyed! Suggestions are open for people are open) *This story has been edited just a bit because when I wrote this, I wrote it all clumped up and wanted to fix it.*

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