Brothers letting the news of you and Darrel Curtis out

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You and Darry have been dating for quite a bit now, six months to be exact, but you haven't really made it open to the gang. You kind of assumed Pony and Soda caught on since you were at their house more than you were at your own. 

You and Darry were making dinner one night when the gang started piling into the house. You turned your attention to it while Darry finished cutting some vegetables up. 

You wiped your hands on a towel that was laying on the table and confusingly looked at the boys.

"Why are you all rushing in? I thought you guys were going to that drive-in movie"

They looked at you and smiled which made you even more confused but then when your eyes landed on Pony you knew what happened. 

"Pony, I swear to god, if what I think happened, happened. I'm gonna loose my shit."

He gulped and hid behind Soda who looked a little bit away. You gasped and threw the towel at him. Darry turned around and looked at you and the gang confused. 

"What's going on?"

You looked at him. "Your kid brothers told them and now they look all weird and giddy!"

He relaxed a bit and laughed. Steve then chimed in. "So when were you guys gonna tell us hm?"

You folded your arms and leaned on Darry a bit. "Well I wasn't planning on telling you little shits at all." You said sarcastically.

They laughed at you while they all sat down. 

Two-bit looked at you from the chair he sat down in. "So what? We gonna have to start calling you mom now??"

You unfolded your arms and laughed. "Well darling, call me whatever you'd like but Darry might just do something if you don't watch you tongue."

Darry laughed and started finishing up dinner while you walked over to Soda and Pony.

"Now which one of you ratted?"

They both gulped and pointed at each other. 

You laughed and pulled their cheeks. "You little brats, you're lucky I love you guys or else you'd be dead"

Darry came up behind you and picked you up. "Now don't be giving them too much of a hassle darling."

You laughed and kissed him while the rest of the group gagged.

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