That doesn't sound like Cherry, Ponyboy Curtis

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You've liked Ponyboy for as long as you can remember. You haven't brought anything up to him about your little crush because last you knew he liked Cherry Valance. You never really understood why he liked her. You found her to be quite rude but of course you didn't say that to him because you knew it was likely to start an argument. 

You and Pony were sitting in some random park you guys passed by since you both had nothing better to do and there was no one at the park. So it was very peaceful. You enjoyed it.

You slightly leaned back in the bench you were sitting on and closed you eyes to just enjoy the peace that the park was bringing when all of a sudden Pony started rambling on about something. You always enjoyed Pony's rants, he could go on for hours if you let him. 

You were sort of dozing off so you only heard bits and pieces of what he was going on about. From what you heard it was a ramble about some girl he liked. From what you thought before, you thought he was talking about Cherry. But slowly as bits were coming through you realized it wasn't as it seemed. 

"The have really nice (your eye color) and holy I love their style. Well I love everything about them."

"They're so cool and the gang likes them too so it works out great"

"And man they're (your hair length + hair color) is so pretty/handsome!"

You finally opened your eyes and looked at Ponyboy kind of confused. 

You chuckled and said. "Y'know, from what I know that sure isn't the description of miss Cherry."

He looked over at you confused. "Who said I liked Cherry?"

"Well it looked like it for the longest time ever."

"Did it really?"

You nodded and looked up at the starry night sky.

Ponyboy grabbed your cheek and faced your head towards him and even in the dark you could see his cheeks were redder than a tomato.

"You're the only person I could ever love."

Your eyes widened in shock and you could tell Ponyboy was nervous at seeing your reaction and dropped his hand off your cheek.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking-"

You cut him off by grabbing his face and kissing him. He immediately melted into the kiss and after a minute or so you guys broke apart and just snuggled into each others embrace.

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