Johnny Cade would never

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You and Johnny had been dating for a couple months and things seemed to be going well so far.

You were sitting in the lot waiting for Johnny. The two of you had parted ways after school because you had to do something important. You had assumed he went to the Curtis house after that but you weren't too sure. It seemed like the logical option due to his home life.

You didn't know whether you should care or not though about where he was. You had overheard someone talking about Johnny being around some girl. You should know that he would never do anything like cheating but you didn't exactly know due to your past relationships.

You wanted to believe he would do no such thing but you could never be so sure. People could change. You sighed as you leaned up against a log. You didn't know exactly how the log had made its way into the lot but it was better than laying flat on the ground.

You closed your eyes wondering how much longer it would be until Johnny finally got to the lot. You knew he would come sooner or later. It was already 10 pm. You were about to give up and walk home before you heard footsteps coming towards you.

You opened your eyes to see Johnny walking towards you before sitting down beside you. You decided it'd probably just be better to get it out of the way and ask him. "So I heard someone say that you've been hanging around some girl. What's that about?"

You asked not even looking over at him but he looked over at you. "Huh? Who said that?" You huffed, still not looking at him. "Does it really matter? Is it true?" Johnny sighed as he leaned back again, still not taking his eyes off you.

"Yeah. It's true I guess. Me and Pony have been kind of hanging around this Cherry girl." Your eyes widened as you shot up and looked at him. "Cherry? As in the soc Sherri Valance?" Johnny shrugged. "I think so."

You could feel your heart break a bit as you scoffed in disbelief. Johnny gave you a worried look. "Nothings going on between us though. I promise." You shook your head as you stood up. "Yeah. Sure. I'm going home Johnny."

Johnny's eyes widened as you started to walk away and he quickly got up and ran after you, grabbing your hand so that you would stop. "Please y/n, if anything Pony has something going for her. I would never do something like that to hurt both you and him."

Your eyes started to tear up as you looked at him. "You promise?" He smiled as he tugged you back into the lot. "Of course. I love you too much to hurt you like that." He sat down and patted the area beside him.

He laid down and you laid down beside him, laying your head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around your body and gently ran his fingers through your hair. You smiled as you pointed out stars in the sky and he listened to you rant as the two of you slowly passed out.

Warm in each other's embrace in the chilly night.


Hi! I'm back. Sorry I haven't been posting much. I've been dealing with a bunch of personal issues recently and I've finally been able to relax just recently. I should be back to normal posting soon. This story twice every day and the other once every other day. Enjoy and remember, I'm always up to suggestions. Happy Reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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