Chapter 36

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"It might be a good idea to finish school first, but if you were to carry my child, I would be the happiest man alive," Zeke says with a big smile, kissing my forehead.

I tense up.

"Hey, don't freak out on me," Zeke says, chuckling, and we put our plates to the side.

"This might be normal to you, but I need to process things like this...for a while...maybe a few years."

"I know. We've got all the time in the world," he says, taking my hand.

"You're not immortal, are you? I mean, you don't live forever like...vampires?"

Oh my God! What if there're vampires too?

He laughs out loud with his deep, rumbly voice. "No, we're not. We age just like humans, and there's no such thing as vampires."

"Well, how should I know? I didn't think there were werewolves either," I say, crossing my arms. over my chest.

Oh God, I forgot to ask Evelyn something about baby werewolves. What if they're huge when they're born? I mean, they're huge as adults. Am I going to rip open like the Grand Canyon while giving birth, or am I going to explode before even doing so? I'm pretty tiny, you know."

"Do you need to ask me something?" he says with a smirk when he sees me freaking out again.

I forgot that he might be able to read my mind now. How do I not mind-link him when I think? Oh, shut up, he might hear you right now. Just stop talking to yourself.

"Nope," I say popping the p. "So, can you hear all my thoughts or can I like stop it somehow?"

"Why? Keeping secrets from me?" he says playfully while leaning in and staring into my eyes.

"No, there are just some things that I rather ask Evelyn than you. Like girly stuff," I say, blushing a little.

He smiles. "I can read your mind if you let me and are open to me, but usually, you have to address me, like you're talking to me, but through your mind."

"So, you didn't hear what I just thought?"

"No, I can only imagine what's going through that head of yours when you space out," he says, smiling.

I let out a breath of relief and he chuckles. We keep eating our food before it gets cold.

Zeke walks down with the plates and then we go to bed. I'm exhausted, but happy. Really happy.

I take the t-shirt off, wanting to feel his skin against mine again. We drift off to sleep pretty quickly with me on top of him, as usual.

Waking up on top of Zeke is always the best feeling. Warm and safe. But this morning feels different...more, like I've melted into him and we are one. It feels like everything is just as it should and I don't need anything else than him, just like I felt when he marked me. I haven't looked at the mark yet. I don't even know if there's blood or if I'm going to have a scar.

Zeke tightens his arms around me and growls in his sleep again. I chuckle and smile. I know that he just does this when he feels me waking up and some kind of protective instinct kicks in, not wanting to let me go. It's nice and I hug him tighter, kissing his chest. He stops growling and relaxes a little.

I remember after I got attacked and he protected me in his wolf-form, shielding me from danger. His fur was so soft.

I start rubbing his chest with one of my hands, and when I move a little, I feel something poking my lower regions.

Oh God, he's hard.

I feel a little embarrassed, but then I start to think back to yesterday when we mated, and my body starts tingling again, all the way down to my lady parts. I move my hips a little again and feel his tip against my clit between our underwear.

God, I'm starting to get wet.

Zeke growls, grabs my waist and flips us over.

Was he awake this whole time?

"Good morning," he says with his deep, husky voice and a smirk on his lips. He pushes his hard tip against my pussy, and I gasp.

"Morning," I say with a whisper while panting.

He starts kissing down my neck, then licks the mark. I nearly cum at the feeling it's giving me. The tingles feel like lightnings shooting down my whole body, and I need him again.

I moan and he growls a deep guttural, sound while red flashes in his eyes. He pulls my panties off and his boxers down, making his big, hard cock spring free. He leans back down over me and licks and kisses the mark once again while pushing himself inside me. I moan out loud in pleasure and cum right away.

"Fuck, that was hot," he growls out while starting to move in and out of me.

I catch my breath, and when I'm down from that euphoric orgasm, the pressure starts to build up once again. He's leaning on his forearms, pumping into me. I see his pecs and abs flex at every thrust. He leans down and kisses me while I start running my fingernails up and down his back. He moves faster and I feel myself getting closer again. I know that he's close too and he kisses down to my mark again, making my walls start to clench and cum for a second time. I dig my nails into his back and moan while he growls.

He pushes himself up on his fists, moving in and out a few times more, then his eyes turn completely red. While he clenches his teeth, his canines come out, and with a loud growl, he cums inside of me.

He leans over me with his chest heaving and eyes closed. I put my hands on his cheeks and look at him with so much adoration in my eyes. Zeke withdraws his canines, and then opens his eyes that are now golden again. He looks me in the eyes with just as much love. He leans down, kisses me, then with a swift move, he flips us over again so I'm lying on his chest with his big, strong arms wrapped around me.

I thought life was always going to be lonely. Love was only something you saw in movies. Maybe that's why I never watched them anymore. They gave you false hope. But now, I know different. This love consumes me. That would seem unhealthy to some, but I need it. I didn't know how much I needed love until I met Zeke.

I feel tears start to form in my eyes.

Zeke sits himself up with me straddling him. "Hey, I hope that those are happy tears," he says, giving me a comforting smile while wiping the tear that just rolled down my cheek.

I nod, sobbing. "They are. I just love you so much that it feels like my heart is going to explode. That can't be healthy, can it?" I say, chuckling a little.

His smile is the biggest one I've ever seen. "That's what the mate-bond does. In the human-world, it might not be healthy, because they never know if it's going to last, and then they might end up heartbroken. But for us, it's how it's supposed to be. We can let ourselves love each other that much because we know that it's going to last until we die...and maybe even after that."

I lean into him and put my head in the crook of his neck and sigh. "So, I can be as clingy as I want and you won't get tired of me?"

He chuckles. "I expect you to be clingy. I wouldn't have it anyother way, because you make me happy. I need you as close as you can be at all times, but we also have to do stuff on our own from time to time. Right now, when all this is new, it's going to be hard, but it will get easier," he says, smiling and kissing my forehead. "Right now, I just want you all by myself," he says, growling playfully and tightens his arms around me, making me giggle.

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