Chapter 4

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*Dylan's POV*

Silly clutched my hand walking into the the front door of Nandos.

"DD....I'm nervous. What if he doesn't like me?"

I smiled, and placed a cold hand on her shoulder.

"Everyone you meet likes you, they can't help it, don't worry."

I walked in and my heart fell into my stomach faster than light itself. I was right. They were there waiting. Silly looked up at me with terrified puppy eyes. I spun on my heels turning for the door when I heard his voice.

"There she is. She tries to mug me last night!!!"

I grabbed Silly's hand sending her flying forward. God dammit Dandy. I pulled us onto a road that lead to the railroads. Perfect. Our house was just off the railroad trail. Sharp pine trees scrapped against my bare arms and face. And the sound of boots not so far away. I jolted to the left getting of course and spun around running the wrong direction hoping that they wouldn't notice and keep running the wrong way.

"DD I'm sca-" I covered her small mouth

"Sh, don't talk let's keep going" I pulled her along running towards the house. I knew it. He didn't like me. Why would he? I'm just a misfit. We pulled out of the thick woods and onto an abandoned street which I knew far to well. We were close to home. Silly and I sprinted hand in hand toward our street. Hearing shouts and yelling behind us. We sprang down our street. And up ran through the door.


I yelled at Silly to get in our house. I closed and locked the door behind me. Panting harder each second.

"Dandelion! Katty! Quick get the guns grab some stuff we are leaving."

I heard shuffling. They didn't ask questions, just did as they were told. They knew when I called every one by their full name I was not pissing around. Silly grabbed her switch knife while I handed Katty and Dandy their guns. Keeping mine and looping it through a hole that I had made in all my pants for a gun to fit. The shouts grew louder to our front door.

"Every one out the window! Now!"

I shouted. I propped it open. And let every one jump out. After every one was out I jumped. Bracing myself for impact of the ground. My feet slammed the ground as I ran toward my sprinting friends. Our bags bumping at our sides as our legs moved in unison. Working our way away from our now police contaminated house. 'Ha, they really thought it would be that easy for them to catch us? We have been doing this for years! Heck I could do this with a blind fold on!' I thought. I heard the ring of the police cars in my ears.

"It's time to lose them!"

I said with a little laugh. We swerved into the closest house we saw. Swinging the door open violently. It was not locked thank god!

I pulled the girls into the living room and drew the shades. We sat on the floor panting our lungs out! Just then foot steps were heard from the corridor. I put my finger up to my lips. Signaling for the three of them to swallow their hard breathing. I quietly stood and silently crept my way over to the opening of the living room. Gun in hand as the foot steps waddled their way closer. Out of no were I spun around the corner. Gun pointed at a man. Who was in navy blue boxers with his hands up.

"What the fuck?"

He whispered.

"Don't move, I'll shoot."

The sweat from my hands made it hard to hold the gun in place. His eyes narrowed over and focused on something behind me. There was someone else in the room. I abruptly spun facing the blonde boy staring at me with wide confused eyes.

"What do ya want?"

he said shakily with a thick Irish accent. His hands at chest hight.

"What I want is for you to shut up. Both of you"

Katty came walking out of the hall with gun it hand position it to the boy behind me. She didn't look as sweaty as I, well that's because she didn't have to run four fucking blocks from the police I knew they were going to be waiting but I let Dandy talk me into going. I should have listened to myself. We wouldn't be in this mess right now. I could hear muffled sirens in the distance. I sighed with relief. But then I realized we have trespassed and they could call the cops.

"Cecilia come here"

ignoring the two boys I turned to her keeping the gun on the boy.

"Go disconnect their phones, cut the wires for the landlines whatever you have to to keep them from calling the police"

She smiled a big Cheshire cat smile

"I can use scissors!!!"

She trotted away looking around for phone lines and cell phones.

"You're a cute one"

the boy in boxers said to Katty crossing his arms she rolled her eyes and answered in a laugh

"You're very calm for someone that's about to get their brains blown".

he smiled at her with white teeth showing and brown eyes round and beautiful. I hope Katty won't be stupid.

"You're looks aren't going to get me to let go of this gun, you might not know but I'm VERY trigger happy"

I heard Silly squeak in a different room and foot steps. What's going on? I tilted my head to get a view of some of the other rooms


she came out but not alone, a tall boy was holding her hands behind her

"I'm in a bit of a pickle"

she giggled. She always giggles.

"This is Liam, guys!!!" Another member from One Direction"

Katty's shoulders fell.

"Jesus Christ with the fucking boy bands!"


CHAPTER FOUR MOFO's hope you like It most of it was written by the one. The only. alisonln100.

WOOP Shmanks fo reading!!! ~ Lexi + Alison

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