Chapter 12

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*Arielle's POV*

We hadn't noticed the absence of Katty and DD. Skittles and I were only interested on one thing and it was to figure out were Dandy was. If she was with Rin she was dead meat. Just then the house phone started to ring horrendously.




"Hello?" I spoke softly. Skittles looked at me with questioning eyes.

"Hello? Arielle is this you? I-I need you t-to come to the hospital quick." A voice I could only make out as DD.

"Why?" I asked worryingly.

"D-Dandy sh-she is-" You could hear her sobs through the phone.

"Dead." She answered quietly. The back of my throat began to burn tremendously. A grief spread tear rolled coldly down my face. As soon as I started to cry Skittles started to cry as well.

"What's going on?" Skittles asked with hot tears trailing down her cheeks.

"Dandy." I said and it clicked in her mind instantly. I slide to the ground and held my knees up to my chest.

I threw the phone at the wall. That's when Liam came in and saw me.

"Arielle what happened are you ok?"

"What do you think!" I shouted. I buried my face in my knees .

"Silly? What happened?" I hear him ask.

"We need to go now." She answers him with that. Skittles serious side springing into action.

"Okay." Is all Liam said.

Soon warm embracing arms rapped around me and easily lifted my 6'3 frame. I didn't care who it was. As long as my Dandy was gone I will never talk again!

*Niall's POV*

"Nialllll!" I heard Liam screech from down stairs.

"I'm a bit busy right now!" I yelled back. I was on someone's laptop starting to print out missing signs for Dandy.

"Niall come down now I'm not joking!" Liam screamed.

"Urgg" I moaned.

Chucking the laptop off my now burning lap and scurrying down the stairs to see Liam holding a shriveled Arielle and Silly standing there with tears coming out of her eyes like a fountain. Harry stood next to her arms crossed like he was scared about something. This new girl. Scarlet I think her name was. She was asking a freaked out Zayn what whats going on. Louis stood next to Harry as if he were about to collapse any minuet.

"Erm.... Wh-what's happening?" I ask shakily.

"Niall. It's Dandy. We have found her, b-but it was to l-late." Zayn said sorrowfully. I just starred.

"Zayn, that's not funny." Not willing to except it.

"I'm not joking Niall." Zayn looked away.

Salty tears started to make my throat dry. No, they are just joking its all one big joke!

'Face it Niall. No one that you ever love will stay with you!' That voice was back.

"Stop! Stop it!" I whimper. Not noticing that I had said it out loud.

"Niall?" Louis spoke softly holding out a hand and touching me on the shoulder.

"We have to go." Harry said sadly.

I ran as fast as my long legs could carry me.

"I. Will. Not. Let. This. Happen!" I said in between pants. I jumped into the shot gun of our van and every one else rolled in after me.

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