Chapter 8: Spring Cleaning

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"Dan!" Phil yelled from downstairs. I sighed. Dil was at school right now, so I had some free time to browse the Internet. "What is it?!" I yelled back, not bothering to move from where I sat. "Come down here!" Phil said. I groaned and began to make my way down the stairs. "What?" I said walking into the room. "I was busy browsing Tumblr." "To bad." Phil said, tossing me a broom. I was confused. Why'd he give me a broom? "What's this for?" I asked. "Spring cleaning. Look at this place, it's a mess!" Phil gestured to the piles of stuff on the floor. I shrugged. "I dunno Phil," I said. "I have some more important things to do." Phil rolled his eyes. "What? Like browse the Internet." I nodded. "Whatever." He said. "Remember, we have to go to Dil's fall carnival or something to night. So this may be the only time we get to clean this place." I sighed. "Okaaaaaaay." I replied, dramatically dragging the A. I walked to the lounge and began to pick up some of Dil's toys. A Winnie the Pooh bear stuffed animal, a lion, a squid, and a Tigger stuffed animal. I set them all in a blue box, and then set the box over in a corner. I walked to the couch and folded a blanket and set the pillows back on it. Next I walked to the tv and dusted it. Phil was in the kitchen organizing some Delia Smith cook books and cleaning dishes. I set the broom down and walked outside. I hated mowing the lawn, but I guess I had to since this was one of those townhouses where you were responsible for mowing your yard. I walked to the garage and pulled out the lawn mower. I pulled the start cord, and began to mow. Suddenly, I saw my neighbor come out. Larry. "Hey Dan!" He said. I sighed. "Hey buddy!" I replied. Larry began to walk over to my lawn. Crap. What did he want? This is what I get for going outside. Thanks Phil! "So, how's it goin' neighbor?" Larry asked, playfully punching my arm. I rubbed my arm. It still hurt, even if it was a playful punch, it still hurt. Well I guess since Larry worked out every single freakin' second he had free. "Um, good. I guess." I replied. Larry smiled, making his mustache turn up at the corners. "That's good!" He patted my back. Man, why couldn't this guy give me some personal space!? "How's Dil?" He asked. "Good, he just started school. That's been fun." I replied quietly. Larry nodded. "How's Phil?" He questioned once more. "He's good. We're both just cleaning today. So, yup. That cool." I said, still quietly. Larry nodded once again. "Well, I best be goin', but if you ever wanna talk. I'm right here. Nice talkin' to ya!" And with that he went back to his house. I looked at my watch. Crap! 3:25. I was almost late to pick up Dil! I ran into the house and told Phil I was going to get Dil. He nodded, and continued tending to his plant. I looked at my watch again. 3:26. I had about, 4 minutes. I ran into the car and started it. I drove down the road. Traffic was terrible! I looked at my watch, 3:28. 2 minutes! I finally reached the school at 2:29. Just made it! I let out a sigh of relief as the doors opened and kids ran out. Dil saw me, than ran up to me. His arms already spread out for a hug. "Daddy!" He yelled. I kissed his cheek and smiled, hugging him tightly. "I missed you." He said. I smiled. "I missed you too." I replied. "Now, Dil, let's get home." Then, we both walked to the car.

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