Chapter 17: Keep the Old Memories, but Make New

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Dan's POV:
~Graduation Day~
"Check mate." Phil said moving his piece, that's when I flipped over the table. "That's it! I give up! I suck at chess!" I yelled walking off. "Babe wait!" Phil called, walking after me. I walked down the hall and to the kitchen, Phil trailed behind.

"Babe, it's okay," I stared at him for a good couple seconds. "We can play again?" He suggested, I groaned and walked over to the fridge. I needed food. We had played fifteen games in a row of chess, as you can suspect, I kept losing.

"Well, maybe some other time." I said, not looking at him and grabbing an apple. I always had a tramatic flashback when I touched and apple, but oh well. "Dan, honey, please don't hate me." Phil whined, I shook my head and smiled. "I'm not mad at you, just frustrated with the game." I replied.

"Dan," Phil said, walking out of the kitchen and back to the living room with me. "Yes?" I asked, now taking a bite of my apple. "Dil's graduating today. Soon he's gonna move out and start a family. Are we ready for that? Is he?" Phil asked, he looked sad and scared.

"Lion, it's gonna be fine. Dil is a smart kid, he knows right from wrong. Now, all we can do for, is be there for him. We have to his graduation and be happy for him." I said, Phil let a tear slide down his cheek. "But, but, I don't want my baby to grow up. I still remember taking him home from the hospital, and taking him to school his first day, and his firts sleep over, and-" He cried out, I placed my hands on his shoulders and cut him off so he wouldn't sob even more than he was now.

"And those are all great memories," I comforted him. "So you keep those. Keep them where ever you want, in your pocket, in your heart, in your mind, you keep those memories, but make new ones. You can't dwell in the past, nor the future, you must live in the moment. Keep the old memories, but make new ones too." I said, Phil sniffled and wiped the tears off his face.

"Thank you Dan." He said, taking me into a big hug. "No problem, I love you." I said, Phil giggled quietly. "I love you too."

A/N: I'm back guys! Yay, okay, how've you been? I'll ttyl. ;)

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