Chapter 14: Time Changes

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"Dil!" Phil yelled from downstairs calling to Dil. Loud footsteps came down the stairs. "Yeeeeess Papa?" Dil asked, dragging the E as he swung his body around the end stair railing. "I need help with this." Phil gestured to the broken sink. Dil sighed and smiled cutely. When he stood nest to Phil he was about an inch or so taller than him. He had defiantly taken after my height. He wore a black t-shirt and had dark brown hair sweeping over his eyes. He had black headphones around his neck, he had been listening to his music, or that's what I thought considering that he had headphones. "You just need to screw this thing in tighter." Dil stated as Phil nodded at each direction. I laughed quietly while I stood against the wall watching it all unfold. "There!" Dil exclaimed, standing up as he did so. "All fixed." "Thanks." Phil said. Dil shrugged. "No prob, it wasn't to hard." Dil was 17 now. He was growing up way to fast for me! It felt like only yesterday he was a 6 year old boy having sleepovers with his friends Tabitha, Luke, and Matt. They all were still friends, hung out a lot tbh. Dil and Tabitha hung a little more though, but if Dil wasn't with her he was with Matt. Matt's father eventually told his wife and let's just say, she was pissed. He told me it went a little like this:

Preston: Honey I need to tell you something.
Wife: what is it honey?
Preston: I'
Wife: *Gasp* what the hell are you talking about!
Preston: I was to nervous to tell you. I'm sorry.
Wife: Why!? We were married!
Preston: What do you mean 'were married' we are.
Wife: not anymore.
*Storms over to closet and begins to grab everything she owns*
Preston: What are talking about. I still like women, I'm not all gay!
Wife: I don't want to be with you anymore, Preston! My whole life has been a lie!
*Matt walks into bedroom wearing pjs and rubs his eyes*
Matt: What's going on?
Wife: your fathers a freak!
Matt: What! What is she talking about?
Preston: I have no idea!
Wife: Come on! *try's to grab Matt's hand*
Matt: No! I want to stay with daddy!
Wife: Fine! *runs away*
She never came back and soon later that year Preston met a nice man, Bob, and in about a couple more years they got married.

"Dad?" Dil asked, snapping me out of my trance. "Oh, yeah?" I asked. "Can Tabitha come over, Luke too." I nodded and Dil smiled. "Thanks dad." He took out his phone and texted his friends as he went upstairs. "Gah!" Phil yelled, as water sprayed into his face. Leaving him damp and soaked. I snickered. "Shut up!" He exclaimed throwing a crumpled piece of paper at me. "Hey!" I said, picking it up getting ready to throw it back. "You messed up my hair!" I missed my target as he dodged. "Ha!" He laughed. I rolled my eyes and smiled. A couple minutes later Tabitha and Luke arrived. "Hey Dil!" They both said in unison. "Hey guys! Come upstairs." They all walked upstairs to Dil's room.

Dil's POV:
We all walked into my room. Tabitha's black hair was swaying as she walked, she looked so beautiful. No! Dil stop! Your gay, if your dads knew you weren't than... No. I shook my head, making the thought flutter away. "So, Dil?" Luke asked. I turned to face him, since I had been facing the wall talking to myself. "I got the new Muse album! We can blast it in your room." He smiled, taking out the CD case. I saw Tabitha's face light up. "Oh!" She exclaimed, reaching to grab the album. "Cool, we should. I haven't been able to buy it yet." I nodded and shrugged, stuffing my hands into my pockets as we walked up to my door. "Sure. Just not to loud, my dads making a video." Luke mouthed 'oh'. I opened my door to my room and we all walked in. My room was covered in posters. Things like Muse, Fall Out Boy, Buffy, Kill Bill, MCR, and Totoro. My walls were painted brown and my curtains were black. My floor was hardwood and scuffed slightly from people walking on it. My bed was in the middle of two shelves and had green and black sheets. It had a blue pillow and was so worn out that when you laid on it it would creak and you would sink in. I had a black wardrobe with clothes falling out of it. Luke walked over to the radio on my desk and put in Muse. Tabitha sat on the red bean bag in the corner and I sat on my bed, it creaked as I did so. We blasted the song and soon my dad came up. He knocked on the door. "Yes?" I asked. I heard him only faintly because of the music. "Can you turn that down a little? Your father and I are trying to work." I stood an walked to the radio. I turned it down and dad thanked me. "Hey!" Luke said, sitting down onto a wooden chair. "You threw off my groove." I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Hey, Dil?" Tabitha asked me, looking me in the eyes. She stood and walked over to the bed, she sat next to me and put her small hand onto mine which was on my lap. "Can I tell you something?" She looked so beautiful. I couldn't help myself. "Just a second." I looked into her eyes and leaned in. I gently pressed my lips against hers. I pulled away, but still wanted to kiss her agin. But no, not again. "What was it?" I asked. She smiled bashfully. "That was it." I cocked my head. What did she mean? "What do you mean that was it?" I asked. She smiled again. "That was it Dil. I love you." She looked into my eyes. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

A/N: Heeeey!! So, what do you think? I'm not sure if I should keep Dil a teen. Please tell me cause I have no clue. Maybe I will make a couple chapters of him as a teen, then back to a kid. Cause I like the idea of him as a little kid. Oh! And it will be again Dan's POV, just wanted to try something new. Also, I may not be on Wattpad as much for a while, because I will be busy. I will try to update as much as I can though! Thanks to you all, I love this fanfic and cannot wait to see where it goes! Also, hope you are enjoying the longer chapters. Anyways, chow! ;)

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