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I froze in place, overwhelmed by the number of people staring at me all at once. My head dipped to the floor instinctively and I tried to take subtle deep breaths.

"Everyone, this is y/n", Bucky announced to the room, "Now the first thing is she doesn't like to be touched. So no hugs or handshakes without her permission, okay, or you'll have to deal with me, got it?"

"Jeez Barnes, who put you in charge?" Sam joked. Admittedly the thought did creep into my mind. Was he being so nice to me because I was so vulnerable now? And so alone? Seemed like a good opportunity to claim and control me.

"Don't worry honey," Nat stepped forward. Seeing a familiar female face made me feel a bit more at ease. "If any of these guys try anything they know I'll kick their ass". She winked at me.

We both giggled and I could tell from the look on their faces that they knew she wasn't joking either. She smirked. God, I wish I was as confident as her.

"I'm sorry, but can I speak to y/n first? Alone. Is that okay with you?" Wanda walked up to us.

I nodded and stepped into the kitchen with her. I noticed Steve and Bucky talking between themselves again, occasionally glancing back at me.

"So ... your powers. Have you ever tried to control them?". I shook my head at her. "Okay that's fine, but they're attached to emotions right?". She raised her eyebrow, trying to figure me out.

"I ... I think so. I'm not sure.", I didn't want to lie to her but I still wasn't fully trusting anyone yet. And to tell the truth I didn't use them enough to understand them.

"Listen y/n. We're all going to talk to you soon, and I think it'll be quite emotional for you. So let me know if you want me to help.... and I'm sorry for the way this going to sound but, 'Restrain' your powers". She questioned. "For safety of course!".

She could do that? Hold me back? Hold my powers back? But she doesn't know how far I can take them? But neither do I. It would be a safe thing to agree to.

"That's fine with me, just ... give me a heads up". I pulled at my sleeves. She lead me back to the living area with the others.

I sat on the end of the couch, not wanting to sit between people. Steve went around the room giving introductions.

Sam, Pietro, Thor, Vision and Peter were the new people to me. All explaining who they were and what they did.

"Why don't you tell us about yourself y/n?", Sam asked. I opened my mouth to talk but nothing coherent came out.

"I.... um, well .... y..." stuttering and stumbling to get a sentence together I felt so on the spot.

"You're still doing great", Bucky leaned over to me and whispered. "Just start small if you want to."

"I ... I don't know who I am." Causing confused looks all around the room. "My boyfriend, Mark, is downstairs somewhere. I think. I'm his girlfriend. That's who I am".

Tony leaned against the bar and poured himself a glass of whiskey. The whole room was oddly quiet with no one knowing how to respond to my introduction. "She can do stuff with ice". Tony said as he placed a single cube of ice into his drink.

"Yes, I have power. I don't know how I got it, or why. Or what it even is really. I just know when I feel ... or when I can't control my feelings, it comes in different ways." I held my hand out but nothing appears. "Snow, ice and frost etc".

Bruce sat up, "She has something in her blood that causes her powers. We saw it when we ran her medical checks. We're going to study them to maybe find out more".

"That's so cool!" Peter was so excited he was practically bouncing in his seat. "I got bit by a spider so my powers are in my blood too, kind of, not in the same way I mean it sounds like you were born like this so..."

Tony sat down with the rest of us during Peter's rambling and let out a heavy sigh, pinching the bridge between his eyes. "Listen, kid."

The atmosphere in the room quickly changed, along with everyone's facial expressions.

"This Mark guy, how long have you known him?" He tried to make eye contact with me but I quickly looked down away.

"Um ... 5 years?" I said with confusion in my tone. I lost track of time a little after being stuck for so long.

"And has he ... does he seem a bit shady to you?" Tony continued.

I was scared to say anything. If they let him go, like the police usually did, I'd be right back where I was. And it would only be worse for me if I told them anything.

I shook my head and closed my eyes.

"I think we should just tell her," Nat spoke up. "She needs to know Tony."

"Hey, I'm trying to be considerate here alright."

"When did that start?" Sam chuckled. But when he looked at Tony he soon realised it wasn't the time for joking.

"Has he, hurt you? Have you felt, controlled?". Tony saw my response and I could see the guilt in his eyes for making me feel this way.

I tensed up and my chest felt heavy. I wanted so bad to tell them everything, I mean if anyone can stop him it's the Avengers right? I was instantly grounded by a cold drop on the back of my neck.

"Woah, cool!" Peter jumped up to catch the snowflakes that had begun falling from the ceiling.

"I... I'm sorry. I think that's me", I picked up my head, tears flowing down my cheeks.

Tony smiled. "Of course it's you, my AC isn't that good" I chuckled along with him.

"Y/n what emotion are you feeling? The way your power might manifest could be related to your different emotions", Bruce had a point. I'd never thought to link them before. Probably because I've held them back for so long.

Still scared to speak openly about Mark's behaviour I thought about my words.

"How about if you tell us instead, and we won't ask any questions. No explanation unless you want to. Right guys?" Bucky suggested. Everyone nodded and agreed.

"Fear." That was the only word I could think of. Scared of Mark. Scared of what will happen to me when he gets his hands on me again.

"You're safe with us. You're safe here " Bucky tried to reassure me, "but that's good. Wanda make a note of it." Wanda grabbed her phone and began a list in her notes to correlate my emotions to my powers.

"Guys?" Nat stood up, slightly frustrated. "She still needs to know".

I looked at Bucky for comfort. He shuffled forward, probably realising he was the best person to talk to.

"Have you heard of the name Hydra before?", he asked me. I shook my head and frowned. "They're bad guys. Terrorists. They want to take over, well, everything".

I could tell he was dumbing all of the information for me, which I appreciated seeing as even just that statement was sending my thoughts in a bunch of different directions.

"So what does that have to do with Mark?" I felt like I already knew the answer, but I needed to hear it.

"Y/n." Nat crouched down in front of me. "Mark is a big part of Hydra".

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