The Kiss

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The next morning hurt like hell. Before I had even opened my eyes I felt my head being pulled back towards the pillow with a killer headache. My mouth was so dry and tasted of spirits. Damn Stark and his champagne. I let out a small distressed groan and lifted my arm to cover my eyes from the sun that gleamed in the room.

When I eventually sat up I tried to orientate myself again. I remembered that this was Bucky's room and got worried about what might have happened. Until I noticed him curled up on his couch with a think blanket draped over him. I thought about what a gentleman he was but a bit of guilt that he had to sleep on his couch on his birthday.

As I went to stand up I saw the glass of water and medicine on the side with a little note written next to it.
"Hopefully this helps with your headache - Bucky x "
I took them straight away and finished the water. I knew they were painkillers because I memorised the patterns on top when I lived with Mark so he didn't try to poison me.

I heard Bucky stirring and crept over to the bathroom. I looked over at myself in the mirror. My make-up was smudged all over and my hair was like a bird's nest. But worst of all I had ripped my dress. I couldn't remember how but I felt so bad because of how expensive it was.

"Y/N?" I heard Bucky call from the bedroom.

"Im in here I'll just be one second" I looked around for a change of clothes and saw a pile of clean, folded grey up shirts on one of the shelves. I grabbed one and quickly changed. The shirt was too big and hung down around halfway down my thighs.

I stepped out of the bathroom and saw Bucky had just got changed too, but he stood there in black joggers and no shirt. He shyly smirked at the sight of me in his clothes. I tried to hold back my smile too but failed miserably.

"We make one complete outfit together" I giggled.

"Come and sit down y/n. We need to talk about last night." He sat down on the edge of his bed and patted next to him. Reluctantly I followed suit. Oh god, what did I do?

"Bucky Im so sorry I never drink" I pleaded and got worried about what happened. Things went kind of blurry for me.

"It's alright you didn't embarrass yourself at all." He reassured me. "But you did say something to me. You asked me to kiss you."

I looked up at him confused. That sounds so out of character for me. "Did you?" I asked. He looked at me almost offended

"No of course not." He stood and walked to the other side of the room. "Y/N, I'd never do anything like that to you". My heart sank a little.

"I understand" I quietly sobbed. "I'll leave. I'm sorry".

As I ran for his door I heard him chase after me. He grabbed my arm tightly to stop me from leaving. It wasn't until he saw the fear in my eyes that he realised what he intended as passion was actually triggering me. He let go immediately as I cowered until my back hit the door.

"Y/N I'm sorry" He spoke softly and lifted his hand to my face. A tear rolled down his flushed cheek. "I didn't finish. I would never do that to you ... Not without your permission".

I looked back into his eyes, welcoming his hand on my face.

"You were drunk, I couldn't take advantage of you like that. I wouldn't." He sighed. "Do you know I used to best guys up back in the 40s who did that to dames?". He proceeded to tuck a stray hair behind my ear, admiring all of my features.

As he spoke my mind flashed back to the night before, remembering my advances. I placed my hand on top of his and pushed my face into it with my eyes closed, rubbing against it like a kitten.

"Thank you, Bucky." I smiled gently. "Can I ask a question?"

He smiled back while watching me "Anything Doll."

I opened my eyes and stared right into his soul through his beautiful bright blue eyes. "Kiss me Sargent" I repeated. His breath hitched.

"Yes, Ma'am." His hand moved into my hair and pulled my head towards his. His other hand landed on the dip between my hip and my waist. Both of my hands instinctively went around his neck. He leaned into me, turning his head to the left.

Finally, our lips met and both of our held breaths were released. It felt like fireworks were blasting around us and every glass shattered at once. It felt like we floated right there and then, surrounded by technicolour. I had never been kissed like this before with this level of passion. I have no idea how long we were standing there but it felt like an eternity.

When we released ourselves from one another we looked down. Right below our feet there had appeared the most intricate laced patterned snowflake on the floor. I was in awe that my troublesome powers could make something so beautiful. Bucky gently ran his thumb across my cheek.

"You did that." He proudly said. "You have no idea how amazing you are Doll." He pulled me close again to kiss my forehead while I continued to study the snowflake. "Come on let's go down to the training room and see what else you can do."

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