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"I need to stop doing this", I spoke out, embarrassed by my behaviour. Tony and Bruce noticed that I had come around and walked over to me, being careful to let Bucky sleep.

"You know instead of setting you up a room, you can just bunk down here if you keep passing out", Tony joked, "We can set up some fairy lights on your IV lines".

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Mr Stark. I'm so much trouble. I don't need a room I swear." I panicked, clearly not getting the intended humour. "I'll cook and clean to do my share and I'll keep out of the way I swear". Both his and Bruce's faces dropped at my ramblings.

"Woah Woah, okay pause", he interrupted. "Firstly call me Tony, Mr Stark was my father. And we're friends so we can use first names right? I don't call you y/l/n do I?"

"I guess not" I admitted, feeling silly once more.

"Now listen okay, I know that scumbag has got in your head pretty deep, but you're not any trouble. I was joking about the room too, I've already set it up for you." He reassured me, and I felt his understanding through his eyes. Like he knew how my anxiety was racing. "And don't worry about cleaning, we have a team for that. And you don't need to cook, but I won't say no if you get the urge. Apart from Wanda, no one else knows how to. So when she's on a mission there is a lot of pizza going around".

I smiled at him, feeling both of our tension fading. "I love to cook", I grinned. "It's peaceful"

"You're all clear y/n", Bruce smiled at me. "I'm guessing you don't use your powers often?" I shook my head in response. "It was probably just an overload for your body."

"If you want, Wanda can help you train," Tony suggested. I shook my head again and looked down. Use my powers on purpose? As much as I wanted to be like Wanda I didn't feel stable enough. I especially didn't want to hurt anyone. "Don't worry, we wouldn't ask you to use them, it would just be for you".

"I don't think I'm ready Mr St... I mean, Tony." I hesitated, feeling rude for declining help.

"No problem, the offer is there if you change your mind. Why don't we get you set up in your room hey?" He began to walk away, stopping only to kick the chair Bucky was sitting on, making him jump and grab the sides. "At ease soldier. Can you help y/n to her room and make sure she's settled in? I've got some calls to make about the windows".

Bucky sat up and nodded, "Sure no problem". He stood up and rubbed his eyes awake. I knew the look and figured he hadn't been sleeping lately. But I didn't want to pry and ask him about it.

"You don't have to Bucky, I'm sure I could figure it out", I said quietly, not wanting to be a fuss.

"I'm sure you could Doll. But I'd like to come anyway if that's okay with you?" Bucky had a good way of being comforting to me, making everything a choice and in my control. "This place can be a real maze when you first stay. When I first moved here I kept mixing up mine and Steve's room. The number of times I walked in on him changing was ridiculous" We both laughed, "Sam started calling us Stucky". I tilted my head in confusion, he could see I didn't understand. "When two people date they like to merge their names into a cheesy nickname. So Steve and Bucky made Stucky, and boy did it stick."

I laughed, even more, a real genuine laugh. For years I had been putting on a fake one that I almost forgot what my real one sounded like.

"Come on, let's get you some independence". He nodded and I stood up, still, a little lightheaded.


"Yes y/n?"

"Could I hold onto your arm? I still feel a little unsteady and if I wake up here one more time Bruce might start charging me rent". Something about Bucky made me feel at ease and comfortable, so I wanted to try and be a little open.

"It would be an honour ma'am" He held out his right arm for me to link into.

Control - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now