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Peter swung onto the balcony by his web, walking into the living room. "No sign of her on the rooftops Mr Captain Sir"

"Peter we've been over this, you can call me Steve" he insisted.

"Um, yeah, ok. Mr Steve sir." Peter stuttered

"N-no Peter that..." Steve started to explain, but Tony and Bruce burst through the doors.

"We're in." Tony announced, "little fucker knew exactly what he was doing. Had to have been one of my guys."

Wanda strutted out of the elevator, "Wrong. None of your guys knows anything. Whatever Hydra brainwashing bullshit they used it worked."

"Got a hit" Nat ran in with a tablet in her hand, swiping the image onto the main screen in the room. Everyone gathered together and looked at the clip. Definitely Mark, and definitely y/n.

"Any trace after it left the facility?" Steve asked

"Yeah, got it heading North," Nat explained

"Right everybody gear up, Quinjet in 15," Tony ordered.

Bucky had sat silently since the team dispursed, almost in a daydream. "Stark" he finally uttered. Everyone stopped to see where this was going. "What did you do?" He asked calmly

"Right ok let's get this open now, go get y/n, then come back and kiss and make up after ok?" Tony proposed. "Y/n was bait, to put it bluntly. We've never been so close to a major hydra base. We knew after Mark got our the first time that he would again so we had to use the opportunity." The group looked at Tony stunned. "Let's not forget that Mark was our original mission in the first place".

Steve sighed. "Yes, but risking civilians has never been part of our mission Stark"

"Like we don't accidentally hurt people when we fight the bad guys? Get real Cap" Tony shouted.

"She isn't just 'a civilian' or 'people' " Bucky gritted. "She's one of us."

"Which is why I wanted her to be in more control over her powers before she went" Tony explained, leaning into Bucky slightly and lowering his voice, "I would have never asked her to put herself in danger if I didn't think she was capable of it. And she's a tough little bitch"

Bucky let out a slight chuckle from the corner of his mouth. "Yeah, yeah she is." He clapped his hands together, sending an echo around the tense room, "let's go get her before she hurts him too much then". Bucky held out his hand and shook Tony's. The team split off to gather their equipment and change into their combat gears.

Back in the lab, only a few hours had passed but the shock on my body made it feel like days. The numbing and aching sensations were unbearable. My mind crawled with all the ways I wanted to end it right there. But I had to make it through.

Mark entered through the same door he had left in. "Our room is ready y/n" he announced to me, I saw him expecting gratitude in return. Mark walked over to a nearby monitor that was facing away from me and typed a few keys.

The water slowly drained and I stood shivering for survival. Mark had one of the workers bring me a towel which I immediately grabbed and wrapped around my shoulders and held at the front.

"Come" Mark ordered, like I was a dog. I laughed inside thinking about if Bucky ever said that to me. I would bark so loud at him and he would produce his beautiful natural laugh.

With no other choice, I followed Mark down the hall, still shaking. My feet felt like blocks of ice and so sensitive. All my movements were overacted while my warm blood rushed back into my fingertips and toes.

Mark lead me down the hallway up to the master bedroom. He swung open the double door like he was the shit. The room was filled with drapes, stunning pieces of art and a small desk in the corner with papers scattered across. He turned to look at me.

"This is our new home princess." He walked over to the bed and sat to take off his boots. "I'll be sleeping here." I looked at him with confusion.

"Am I not staying with you?" I asked, looking around for clues and making notes in my head of all the exits.

He laughed at me and looked back in disbelief. "Oh no. You've not earned that yet darling." He chuckled, "You'll sleep right here." He pointed at a small, thin rug on the floor next to the bed. No pillow, no cover. Like a dog sleeping next to its master. He wanted me back in my place.

I nodded and changed out of my wet clothes into some black and red pyjamas he had laid out for me. I curled up into a ball, facing away from him. I could feel his eyes watching me so I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. I breathed out it my mouth to hold it back.

I kept thinking of Bucky and how he'd react to all of this. Oh yeah, Mark is going to fucking pay. But not yet, not tonight.

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