~Business Trouble~

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Y/n reached for the strangely enchanting letter and picked it up, Y/n observed the letter it's colour was ebony with a red wax seal and a unfamiliar stamp on it. It clearly already been opened so Vaati must be aware of its contents... What could it be? Could this letter be the reason for the tension? Y/n stared at the letter hesitant of opening it seeing as the problem it has already caused.

However, before, you could open the letter the door to the study opens. Vaati walks in, it was clear that he was surprised to see you "Y/n? What are you doing here?" You return his surprised look "Cleaning! I was cleaning, like normal..." Vaati's eyes darted to the letter in your hand "Y/n... Did you read that?" Vaatis voice is unusually strained as if he was troubled by the thought of you possibly knowing what was inside. "No, I didn't! I'm sorry I didn't mean to invasive your privacy." You looked away regretfully you hear Vaati sigh and walk up to you, his hands grab yours "Y/n I'm not mad just worried." You grip his hands in response and watch his face curiosity "Go on?" Vaati takes the letter from your hand and holds it up "This is from my former boss, do you want to know?" You nod.

"Let's sit down and I'll explain everything." You both sit down in the study "You'll understand why Ghirahim was here too." You glup feeling nervous Vaati continues...

*Flashback (Vaati p.o.v)*

I followed Ghirahim to the study leaving a curious Y/n alone but I had no time to explain how could I went that guy was here for some unknown reason!

Vaati enters the study Ghirahim stands there flipping through a book. "Took you long enough." He closed the book in his hand and places it back on the desk he smirks that annoying smirk "Did I ruin your fun that cute little hylian?" He asked chuckling.

I glared at him, Ghirahim asking about Y/n makes me mad for some reason. I don't want her name to come form his mouth.
Ghirahim laughed "Don't glare so hard or you'll hurt yourself! Besides you don't have to worry I won't go for your hylian~" I sigh and look at him "So you finally made a move huh?" I ask knowing that when I left he still has not ask the girl he had his eye on. Ghirahim smiles proudly "Of course I was confident as soon as I asked! I'm offended that you doubted me! Me and bluebird are a power couple so don't you forget it!" I rolled my eyes at his loud statement "Are you just here to brag?"

Ghirahim shakes his head "If only that was the case..." I look at him "Which means?" I said egging him to continue. Ghirahim pulls a letter from seemingly out of thin air and hands it to me "This should tell you what you need to know." I took the letter and gave him a look "Don't give me that look!" He said putting up his hands in surrender jokingly "I was sent to show you how serious he is about this." I immediately opened the letter reading the contents earnestly.

The letter was from Ganon demanding Vaati to get ready to get in action, to be ready to strom the Hyule castle and kidnap the princess for her light source and defeat the hero. With promise that he would be granted a powerful position on his court and all the treasurers he may desire. However, if he refused this generous offer he can find himself unwelcomed upon his court and if you ever wish to gain his favour again you'll need to pay a hefty price. I'll be waiting for your reply, don't make me wait too long...or you will reget it.

Vaati's grip tighten as he stated at the letter processing what he just read and understanding the conscientious of his actions. All depends on his response, he looks to Ghirahim who just shrugs.

"I should be leaving I don't want to stay any longer." Ghirahim said with a smile Vaati nods putting the letter on his desk, and walks with Ghirahim. "So what will you do?" Ghirahim asked "Don't worry about it I'll figure it out." Vaati stated Ghirahim chuckled "Stubborn as always, somethings never change~"

*Flashback (Vaati p.o.v) end*

You both sit in silence "Y/n I know you might be shocked about what I just told you." Vaati said weekly, you nod it was all too much, But... You and Vaati.

"What will you do?" You some how mange to say Vaati looks to the side "I haven't decided..." You look up to him "If I joined Ganon I could get us a comfortable life and be strong enough to protect you." "What if Ganon loses?" You question him wondering about the 'hero' Vaati sighed "I'll either be killed or locked away again." Your eyes widened at that. Those both sound terrible "If Ganon loses and I don't join in we'll be left alone, well until one of Ganon's followers might want to get me for not helping, Or the hero might."

You slump your shoulders "So no matter what you choose it will be a big risk." Vaati nods "That's way I must choose carefully, I want what's best for... for you, for us." You felt your heart flutter at his words. You hold out your hand Vaati gives a little smile and grabs your hand. "Than let's talk this out and figure this out together." You smile sweetly at Vaati with rose dusted cheeks "Alright, just know I'll always protect you Y/n. Forever and always~" Vaati leans in and the two of you share a gentle kiss.

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