Chapter 6 ( crying )

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It's been over 2 months and I haven't went to the doctor so I decided to go today .

I spent 30 minutes on the b49 bus I was finally their .

soon as I walked in I went to the 3rd floor and then right and waited for my doctor , she finally came out and said " come on in " .

I was on the examination bed as she does the anomaly scan and she's shaking her head .

I ask her what's wrong .... NO answer ... "What is fucking wrong "

The baby is losing a lot of blood and if you don't stop what your doing right now it can lead in danger for you and your child .

I left quietly not wanting the pictures of my baby inside my stomach .

I had 1500 dollars saved that should be enough for an studio .

As I went down to the realtor place they ask me if I'm employed and I answered no , they showed me to the door .

I knew I had no options left so I walked to my mothers house , were it appeared a note and said :

" I got overdose on pills by the time anyone is reading this its to late , I had my fun for 37 years it's time for me to go , life wasn't perfect for me on earth so I hope it would better for me in the sky , I love all my family . You can find my body in the bath tub . Goodbye !.

As I was reading this later no tears was coming down my face , I was so surprise she raised me all my life even though it was the worst years of my life .

As I went to the bathroom I saw another letter in the tub that said : "gotcha bitch , you thought I would really kill my self and be that nice about it , well you thought wrong , you probably was praising the lord in your head well stop praising and turn the fuck around !

As I turned around I got a stab in my neck and was leaking blood . She ran with the knife in her hand and I stretch to reach for the house phone and called 911 .

( 3 minutes later ) I told them I was pregnant and they rushed me to the hospital saying to breath and relax .

I got to the hospital they took me to surgery and told me to close my eyes they said they couldn't give me anything because I'm pregnant .

I was in tears crying as they tempted to stop the bleeding and make sure my baby is okay .

( 2 days later ) I finally awoken and feel much better the doctor said my baby is doing fine and I should be due in a few days , she then asked me if I would like to file a report and I refused .

I went to that fucking trashy ass house and sat and thought and thought about what am I'm going to do when this baby comes .. I'm all out of options .

I can't get a job because I have a baby to look after , I don't have a stable place to live because I need a real job with income , I have no family to go to because they all stabbing back bitch's .

I was in tears when I was thinking about all of this so I went to sleep to get it off my mine .

( 1:30 am ) OUCH !! OUCH !! OUCH !! I screamed I feel it .... My water broke .. I don't have no type of phone to call anyone for help so I try my best to get outside and scream for help .

Someone finally came out and ask me what's wrong , I said I'm going into labor

I was bleeding blood .. That wasn't a good thing .....

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