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He walked you in and you guys started singing along to music and dancing too. Your throat hurt a little from singing so you went to the snack bar and grabbed a water. Some guy soon came up to you "hey y/n I really need your help!". You where kinda startled that some guy knew your name "how do you know my name..?". He quickly smiled nervously "oh I'm so so sorry! I'm nicks talking stage person- idk how to say it I'm sorry if this is weird". You giggled "ohhh! So you and nick are talking?". Matt walked up "oh hey Lucas! How's you and nick buddy?". He laughed nervously "so uh idk how to ask him out and I wanna do it tonight..". Your face brightened up same with Matt's,you grabbed Lila and all your four made a huge plan. Later that night you walked out to your trunk to grab your cloths. While walking into the living room you saw chris just sitting down lonely, so you say with him, knowing that you haven't really hung out with him "hey buddd! Did U like the party?". He rested his head on your shoulder as always "yea just tired,can I tell you something tho? Like without you getting mad?". You smiled "I mean I don't mind". He sighed "I feel like you got distant with me when you got back together with Matt, and I'm so happy for you guys but Your my best friend and I don't want it to change". Your heart warmed up,the triplets where your whole world at this point,"awhh chris!". You hugged him "your my best friend too! Don't forget that buddd,how about every Thursday we can have a movie day?". He smiled "with Matt and chris!!". "Ofc!". He hugged you and you guys realized Matt and nick where watching,they walked in laughing.
The triplets where so important to you,they where your home. You got up and went into the bathroom,Lila was there brushing her hair,"u okay if I join you??". She was quite and looked tired "yea". You did know Lila and Elmer had problems so u asked "something with Elmer going on?". She sat on the counter and looked at you,"I mean,he's been snapping this girl lately,her names Katie,he says it's his best-friend from awhile ago but idk, I feel jelly". You put your hand on her shoulder "you have a right to feel that way,maybe you should tell him about it!". She agreed and u guys blasted music while showering And getting into your pjs

 She agreed and u guys blasted music while showering And getting into your pjs -yours-

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You walked out and sat on the floor net to Matt, Lila sat in-front  of you with a frown "can I French braid your hair?"

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You walked out and sat on the floor net to Matt, Lila sat in-front of you with a frown "can I French braid your hair?". You agreed and she started doing while you guys obv watched,The Smurf's.when she finished she sat down on the couch next to Elmer,who didn't put his arm around her,so you got up "I'll do the job you can't do Elmer, move over" he moved over, you put her arm around her and forced her into letting you kiss her head "there bbg". Everyone died laughing,nick fell off the couch causing people to laugh harder. You ended up sleeping with Matt on the floor,it was only comfy bc you where laying on his chest. In the morning you woke up to Elmer gone and Lila not there either, you looked in the kitchen to see if she was making food but she wasn't, the house was kinda messy,you planned on helping her later. You went into the bathroom and she wasn't there either. You finally checked her room to see her crying on the bed, "girly what's wrong??". She sniffles and stayed quite while hugging her teddy bear, you jumped up on her bed laying facing her,"tell me". She looked like she's been crying for hours,"so at 5am I woke up,and since yk Elmer has been talking to Katie I thought why not check through some stuff". You heart immediately sank for her. "I went through there messages and I found out Katie was his ex! And he was trying to get back with her!!". She started crying more, you hugged her "anything else you need to get of your chest bestie?". She sighed "we broke up..". Your heart sanked more,you knew what it felt to be in a breakup,and you weren't gonna let her feel that way. "Hey, don't cry about that dummy,if you guys had to breakup then that's his loss obv,your a bad bitch and where gonna prove him wrong!". She smiled back at him "what if I miss him y/n..?". "Then that's totally okay,but soon your gonna realize there's better things you can do nowww". She smiled and got up. Matt kissed you goodbye cuz the boys had to leave, while Lila decided to sleep you cleaned up for her, she walked into the kitchen "wow y/n you know you didn't have to!". "Anything for my bad bitch". She hugged you and laughed
You paused "also Lila,I have a whole day planned,your getting a makeover!".
"OMG REALLY!?". "OBVV". Y'all hugged and got ready..

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