Chapter 2 - Sister's Time

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Archana opened the door, stepped into the room and closed the door. The clean white room was big enough for one person. In such a big house, there are many rooms. Originally, she lived in the particular room with Priya. But, when Priya was growing up to be a teenager and brave enough to sleep alone, she moved to her new room which has the same size as Archana's.

She walked slow, heavy sighed whilst threw her body on the king sized bed. She fling out her arms and her legs just like a starfish, letting her muscles released the fatigue after being busy for a day long. Her eyes was closed. Slowly, her breathe started to find peace.

Few minutes later, her phone rang.


At least, that's what is written and popped up on her phone screen. She sighed heavily. She rubbed the green sign on the screen and took it close to her right ear.

"Ya?" she replied coldly.

"We are fine, as always."

"She's sleeping."

"What's the purpose you care for us?"

"I can take care of mother and Priya. If you don't have anything to say more, I'll hang up."

"She did."

"I'll do."

Once she's done talking to the rascal, Archana roughly put her phone down on the bedside. All was start to be fine. But, it's still hard for her to forget the scars which were already created in her heart. No. Those scars are not only be in her heart, but it's also in Priya's, and in Parvati's heart obviously, since years ago. The thing happened was still clearly recorded in her mind; How her family was ruined. How her mother kept feeling guilty for the fault she didn't do. How she blamed herself for something which really, she really regretted it, even she got angry on herself. How Priya lose her smile and the spark on her beautiful eyes.

Archana snort softly. She stared at her ceiling, no one knew what in her mind was. She glanced at the clock and hummed, mentioning it's 10.10 pm. That day was so tiring for her. But, there was unknown thing which made her couldn't close her eyes. She tried to text Priya, made sure whether she's sleeping or not.

"Priya, are you sleeping?"

Hearing a sound from her phone, Priya who was surfing on the internet using her silver laptop, rushed to check and reply to the text.

"Not yet. Why?"

In seconds, a reply from Archana popped up, "May I go to your room?" Priya sent her two thumbs-up emojis.

Tok tok!

"Priya, it's me," said the sister out of the door.

"Come in, di. It's not locked," Priya responded from her room. Hearing the respond, Archana opened the door and showed her head behind the door. She found Priya was facing her laptop on the table. Priya's room was mostly blue. Felt fresh and comfy to be there. Archana got in and closed the door. She jumped to Priya's bed whilst sighed long.

"Didi, it's just tidied up," said Priya without turned her head to her sister. She didn't get mad. As long as her life, she almost nevet get mad on her sister. She knew well, that's one of Archana's behaviour. Not just in her own room, but in Priya's, even in Parvati's room, she would definitely behave that way.

"You will sleep here, na?" Archana asked.

"Where will I sleep then, based on your thoughts?" Priya responded.

"So, it will be messed like before."

"Hmm, up to you."

Archana grabbed a fashion magazine on the bedside and opened it randomly. Occassionally, she glanced at Priya, "What are you doing?"

"Looking for a soulmate," Priya replied in short whilst held back her smile. Her answer made Archana gasped.

"What? Don't do silly things."

"What's 'silly things'? I'm running before you is a silly thing?" Priya mocked.

"Could you please not being annoying for one day?" Archana replied fiercely.

"No. I was born to annoy you. Always," Priya shut her laptop down and left her desk. She turned and took steps to fill the blank space beside Archana on her bed. Her arm encircled on Archana's belly and her face squirmed on her sister's shoulder.

Archana shrugged. "What the he-"

Before she finished her words, Priya cut, "If you want to protest, do it to God, sis." Archana hit Priya's arm softly.

"Priya, may I spend my night here?" Archana asked.

"Of course, but why? After getting more than three decades years old, are you scared to sleep alone?" Priya replied, kept mocking her sister and giggling.

"That's not true, stupid."


"You know what? That rascal called me."


"Ya, that rascal."

"What happened?"

"He asked about us, mum. But it's useless, you know that right?" Priya was just humming and nodded.


"I told him if there's nothing to talk more about, I'd hang up. You know what he said? 'It sounds you don't like to waste your time by talking to me. Your mother taught you good things, indeed.' Either it's a sarcasm or whatever, I do not care," Archana told Priya clearly, impersonating the way of the rascal talked to her, which is her own father.

Priya chuckled. "What's your answer then?"

"I admitted Mum taught us good things. Then, he sent regards to Mum. Cih," Archana shrugged. Priya grunted and shook her head.

"That's why, I can't sleep," she continued.

"Do you miss him?" Priya's question was directly welcomed by a sharp gaze from her sister.

"Don't be silly," Archana replied. "What about you?"

Priya released her arm from Archana, "Hmm, little bit."

Archana stared on her. "Why is your heart so tender, Priya?" she thought. Yet, what's coming out of her mouth was, "Then, go, meet him." Priya flinched, she shook hardly.

"No, thanks. It's fine, Didi, you don't need to overthink about it. Let's sleep," said Priya, pulled the blanket up and started closing her eyes.

Meanwhile Archana was sit still beside her. "I don't want to get married," her words surprised Priya. She opened her eyes immediately. Her light-brown pupils seemed widened. It was not because the light in her room was set to more dim, but she was surprised hearing Archana's words. However, she kept silent even though her mind kept questioning.

"I mean, I guess... I don't want to get married, I guess."

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