Chapter 28 - Green Light

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Archana went through a fairly long journey from San Francisco back to India. She landed at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj airport at four thirteen minutes in the afternoon. She asked her driver, Rakesh, to pick her up, as Priya was very busy that day. Archana in a black t-shirt and jeans, equipped with an army green jacket and sunglasses, was seen dragging her suitcase through the exit. She looked around until she found Rakesh standing near her blue Audi.

"Hi, Rakesh. How are you?" asked Archana in a friendly manner while handing her suitcase to Rakesh to put in the car.

Rakesh smiled. "I'm fine, Miss," he said. Archana smiled after hearing his answer and got into the car.

"How was your day there, Miss?" asked Rakesh as he fastened his seat belt and got ready to drive.

"Yeah, kinda tiring. But also quite fun." Rakesh listened while occasionally glancing at Archana through the mirror. The lady of the house was busy paying attention to the fairly busy street. Not Mumbai if the roads are quiet.

The journey through the city of Mumbai was filled with various questions and answers that occur between Archana and Rakesh. Ten days after she left her residence and Priya, Archana wanted to make sure that everything was fine. Thankfully, Rakesh replied and narrated as Archana expected, despite some unexpected minor messes. The neighbor's dog defecated in front of the gate, for example. That one story made Archana laugh.

"It's unusual a cute dog that defecates carelessly," said Archana.



"It's not locked, Di, come in."

Having permission from his sister, Archana rushed into Priya's room and rushed to Priya who was making her bed.

"I missed you, little sister!" Archana exclaimed while hugging Priya.

"What the--hell is this?" interrupted Priya, annoyed.

Archana let go of her arms and threw her body on Priya's bed which had just been made. Such a habit. "I'm spending the night here, may I? There's a lot I want to tell you."

"Including about Aman bhai?" Priya inquired with a slightly wrinkled forehead, while her hands were folded in front of his chest. Priya's question took Archana by surprise. And that 'bhai' too. She didn't expect Priya to greet her with that question. The joy on her face faded.

"Did Dad talk to you?"

Priya nodded. She stepped unsteadily and positioned herself beside Archana while lifting her phone. Archana was confused as to whether she should continue this conversation or not. Before she could say more, Priya spoke first.

"Before you told me, I understood everything. I'm healed because the past is in the past, Di. I hate to see you pretending to be busy, making yourself much busier than usual just to take your mind off it. One of your intentions went to San Francisco yesterday was also for that, right?"

Archana stared at the ceiling of Priya's room silently listening to her sister. She thought that Priya's words were true. The past two years have been quite draining and emotionally draining, because she has forced herself to be more busy so that all thoughts about Aman could be diverted.

"I met him in San Fransisco," Archana said flatly.

Priya was slightly surprised. She locked the screen of her phone and placed the device on the nightstand. "With Radha?" she asked, turning her body to face Archana.

Archana shook her head. "Just the two of us. Radha didn't tell me about it."

Priya took a deep breath. "Then?"

"We chatted for a while before parting ways again. He's just vacationing there. His flight back to India is just a day away from mine."

"Nothing happened?"

Archana was stunned. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you two exchanged phone numbers or something? What are you thinking?" Priya chuckled a little.

"Oh, no. Didn't have time to exchange phone numbers."

"Huh? Seriously," said Priya curtly.

Archana looked at Priya a little sharp. "Why are you doing this? Your attitude confuses me. You used to be against it, now it's like you want me to be with him."

Priya chuckled. "Didi, you know? Maybe there is a certain meaning to this incident."

Archana's eyes was wide open. "A certain meaning? What?" she thought, but her lips were locked. The look in her eyes was clearly wondering and expecting an answer from Priya, what did she mean by 'certain meaning'.

"Ish, you stupid," Priya pouted. Then, she explained her meaning which was related to Archana's words when their relationship was a bit broken because of this. Yes, Archana saw herself in Aman's life. She also understood Aman's condition which at that time needed time for himself, to not see Archana until his wound healed, at least it could be controlled. Two years is not a short time. There is hardly a day that Archana does not contact Radha to find out about Aman's condition. Priya has understood everything.

"Now, don't think about me anymore, Di. If you believe in what you see, if you believe it is your happiness, you don't have to worry about me anymore. Your happiness is also mine. And I'm sorry, for being selfish," said Priya. Her gaze was so gentle. There was no longer any coldness in her voice. Her smile widened, making Archana unable to keep the corners of her lips still. She smiled back and thanked Priya, for everything.

"Hurry up and get married, so I can immediately formalize my relationship with my lover!" said Priya suddenly, having realized they were in a dramatic situation for a few minutes and it was sickening to her. Archana was surprised by her sister's words. Her eyes widened as she gently pushed Priya's forehead.

"You think getting married is easy, huh? Oh wait, since when did you have a boyfriend? Why didn't you tell me?" Priya just giggled, felt the triumph after mocking and deceiving her own sister.

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