Chapter 18 - Diwali

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Archana stopped her car at one side of Radha's spacious yard. She saw several cars lined up on the left side of her car, then stepped towards the white building which had been decorated with beautiful lights.

"Hello," said a middle-aged woman in the doorway. Apparently, she is also one of the housekeepers at Radha's residence. Archana returned the greeting while putting her palms together.

"Is Radha inside?" she asked.

"Yes, she is. Please come."

"Okay. Thanks, happy Diwali." Archana smiled, then she walked in.

Radha's living room was spacious enough to accommodate around 50 to 60 people, but it seemed like it was really a simple party, as there were probably only 25 to 30 people here. Archana looked around the room, trying to find Radha, as there was no one she knows there, except for someone who looks like Dev, but Archana hesitated to greet him. Accidentally, he collided with someone.

"Ah, sorry. I didn't-" she said. Archana raised her head to look at the person. Instantly, she looked surprised.

"Aman?" she said softly, but easily heard by Aman's ears.

Aman noticed her. The dark blue anarkali dress with golden yellow flower and leaf patterns looked very beautiful attached to her body. Her brown hair was left wavy down her right shoulder. The line of the face and the pair of hazel eyes were like eternal beauty. Archana on that night was the perfect beauty that caught Aman's eyes.

"Eh-hm, hi," said Aman nervously. Not long after, a voice called out Archana's name. The two of them turned to the source of the voice walking towards them.

"Bhaiyya, what are you doing here?" said Radha with her eyebrows raised in surprise to see her brother was with Archana, standing awkwardly in the midst of busy people.

"Bhai?" she thought, while Aman was silent.

"As always don't answer my questions. What a habit," said Radha before welcoming Archana and hugging her friend and doing kisses on each other's cheeks.

"Thank you for coming. Where is Priya?"

"Priya also got a Diwali party invitation from her friend, so she is not going with me. She sent her regards to you, happy Diwali."

Radha nodded and smiled. "Oh, while you both are here. Archana, this is my brother, Aman. And Bhaiyya, this is Archana, my best friend that I was talking about."

"What? Aman is Radha's brother? Really?" Archana thought.

Meanwhile Aman's mind spoke, "Is she Radha's friend who used to like me?"

Archana was surprised. "I hope it's a good thing," she said, welcomed by the chuckles from the Srivastava siblings. Seconds later, Aman left Radha and Archana.


Archana briefly met Dev before the man disappears again. Archana scolded him that his phone couldn't be reached when she needed help. Dev chuckled and told the reason before they part.

"Radha, where is the restroom?" Archana asked Radha who was carrying an empty tray towards the kitchen.

"Go straight, then turn to the left."

On her way to the toilet, Archana passed through an alley that leads to the backyard which was also bright. Archana took a step down the hall. She was surprised once she found Aman brooding alone in a brown chair with a canopy of the same color. His hands were intertwined on the table. Archana approached him.

"Aman, everyone is at the party. Why are you here alone? Isn't this your party?"

He glanced at her briefly before averting his gaze. She felt something was wrong. She presumptuously sat on the opposite chair and stared at him intently, waiting for the man to say something.

"Leave me, Archana," said Aman as he turned his face away. Archana was shocked and just speechless.

"Go away. Your presence makes me feel even worse."

"What do you mean? What did I do?"

"It's not you, but me. Since then, every time I see you, or even remember you, I feel bad and useless. So I beg you, go away. Get out of here. Get out of my life."

Archana was silent. She knew what Aman meant. She was certain. The guilt for not being able to save her mother must have come back to him.

"Can I tell you something?" Aman didn't answer. His gaze wasn't on the woman across him, but the look in his eyes showed that he was waiting for what Archana would say.

"Aman, since the first time we met, I... I saw something between us. Something you probably don't know. Something that involved me, in your life. Unfortunately, I believed that."

Aman flinched a little. Slowly, he returned his gaze to Archana. That stare. "What is that something, Archana? Tell me. Tell me clearly."

"I...can't tell you right now."

Aman chuckled. His eyes reddened. His head felt hot. "Then why are you talking about this? How huge is it that you can't tell me?"

Archana fell silent. Her sharp gaze did not leave Aman. Likewise Aman, looked at her sharply but unfortunately, the sharper his gaze, the clearer the wound that Archana saw.

"What made you act like this, Archana?" Aman thought in his mind. He recalled Radha's story about her friend who used to like him. Did she mean that person was Archana?

"Leave me alone, Archana. Please," Aman whispered. Archana flinched. Her eyes seemed to tell Aman that she would not leave him.

"Okay. If you want to stay, answer my question," said Aman. His voice was deep, but a little muffled. Archana's heart was beating fast. She had absolutely no idea what he would ask.

"Why are you doing this, Archana? Why is your shadow always be here? What do you know? You have feelings towards me?"

Hearing those questions, Archana was shocked. She just looked at him and became silent.

"Answer me, Archana," he said while holding her wrist tightly until she grimaced.

While trying to free her hand, she replied, "Let go of me, Aman. You hurt me."

Aman sighed roughly. "I hurt you? Huh. I hurt you." Slowly, he released his grip from Archana's reddened wrist, then turned his gaze around the garden. He got up from his chair and walked away a few steps.

"Please give me an answer, Archana." They fell into silence.

Archana slowly followed Aman, touching his shoulder so that the man was facing her. Archana cupped Aman's face, looking deep into his eyes. "Aman, I'm not leaving you," she said.

Aman shook his head. "That's now my question, Archana."

Archana sighed and showed her faint smile. "I know, but I don't have an answer to your question yet. Now throw away all your bad feelings, it's Diwali celebration. There is only light, happiness and joy."

Aman nodded and smiled bitterly. "I will, as long as you're not here. Go. I don't want to see you." Archana was still in her spot, standing in front of Aman with her eyes looking straight into his. She tried to understand the man before her.

Archana nodded slowly. "Fine if that's what you want," she said. Tears welled up in her eyes. She turned around, took a deep breath when she unable to hold back the tears running down her cheeks, before stepping away, leaving Aman stunned alone on the grass.

"I'm not sure I want this, but this is what I need, for now, I guess," Aman thought in silence, watching her walked away.

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