Chapter 29 - Salvia and Tulips

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Aman set foot in his backyard. Barefoot, he stepped on the grass which felt refreshing, because the morning dew had not completely permeated or disappeared from the surface even though it was already eight o'clock. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"Hello again, Mumbai," he whispered.

"Bhaiyya, welcome back," said Radha happily. Aman turned his head and found his sister who was already neatly dressed in her white blouse and trousers complemented by her favorite bright yellow blazer. Radha jogged and hugged Aman.

"My house is right here, why 'welcome back'?" Aman replied after leaving a kiss on Radha's head. "I missed you," he continued.

"What? Why? Strange," interrupted Radha as she let go of her hug. Right at that moment, Aman let out a happy smile, complete with dimples that framed it. Radha was aware of it. The most sincere, happy smile he had seen on his brother's face in the last two years.

Radha had a mocking look on her face after she saw that smile. "Ah, how happy it seems. What happened?"

Aman snorted softly. "Isn't it okay if I miss my sister?"

"That question doesn't need to be answered anymore. I want to know the reason behind your bright smile. Say it quickly."

Aman cupped Radha's cheek. "You have to go to your dance class, don't you? Go. I'll tell you later."

"Tsk. I can go later. The class is mine. After all, today I will only be watching them there. So, can be a little more relaxed," Radha grumbled as she removed Aman's hand from her face.

"Ah no-no. Be disciplined and on-time. Go."

"Ya ya, fine. I'm leaving. See you later!" Radha exclaimed before turning her body and leaving Aman.

Meanwhile the big brother, still standing on the grass and enjoying the rest of the morning air. His mind drifted to nowhere which made the smile never left his face.

"I've found the missing piece of my puzzle, Radha. And I won't let it loose again," he whispered softly.


This weekend, Archana decided to stay at home. She spent her time relaxing and marathons some of her favorite movies.

"Which movie?" Priya asked when she came out of her room and found her sister already relaxing on the couch while looking at the screen a few meters away from the sofa.

"Hmm? Mum's favorite movie," answered Archana briefly.

Priya walked over to Archana and sat on the carpet, leaning her back against the couch where Archana was sitting. "Oh, I haven't seen this movie in a long time," she said. Archana just mumbled. They enjoyed the film while having small talk.

At the 60th minute of the film being played, Archana's chorus starts to sound. "Oops. I'm starving," she said, holding up her phone. "What would you like to order? I'd like a burger and coke, big pack."

Priya chuckled. "Just the same with you, Di." Archana was seen clicking on her phone screen before returning her gaze to the television.

Twenty-five minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Archana rushed up and went to open the door. Not long after, she returned to the living room carrying a bouquet of blue salvia*) combined with red tulips**) in a white cylindrical tube. Priya, who had positioned her seat properly, backed away after seeing Archana coming with something they had not been waiting for.

"I thought it's our meal," she said.

Archana moved her shoulders. "I thought so. But yeah, bade bade deshon mein aisi choti-choti baatein hoti rehti hain," she replied as she sat down on the sofa and placed the bouquet of flowers on the table.

"From who?" Priya asked. Archana shook her head. Her hand reached out to take a card tucked between the beautiful flowers. She read it silently.

Her cheeks turned red, then a smile appeared on her face

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Her cheeks turned red, then a smile appeared on her face. Her memory flew to the day she and Aman accidentally met again in San Francisco. Archana remembered well how she felt the same way, found the same thing since their first meeting. She remembered the comfort she felt when Aman was near her.

"Aman," she answered simply. Priya immediately turned her head, slightly surprised. Didn't think this had just happened.

"Alright, Di. It's the right time," Priya said.

Archana glanced at Priya. "The right time?"

"Can you please, don't be stupid?" They both chuckled.


"Radha, sorry to bother you. May I ask for Aman's contact?"

Radha smiled reading the message from Archana. "Whoa, what's this?" she muttered. Without waiting any longer, Radha immediately sent Aman's contact to Archana, of course after asking Aman first.

"Hi, it's Archana. Thank you for the flowers. I've also solved your puzzle, so what should I do?"

The corners of Aman's lips rose to form a smile curve on his lips. "She solved my riddle so fast," he thought.

"So much pleasure. Just keep it. Let me know when we meet again later."

Now, it was Archana's turn to smile like a fool. Biting her lower lip and the redness on her cheeks didn't go away.

For your information:
*) Blue salvia is a flower to tell that "I think of you" to the recipient
**) Red tulips symbolize passion and express the feelings of love

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