Chapter 10 - Affirmation

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At nine in the morning, Archana received a message from Dev reminding her to have breakfast before leaving the hotel. Dev also reminded her to check on Aman's condition this morning, as he checked out first to manage the other things. She simply replied to the message with three words, "Alright. Thank you."

When Archana opened the door, at that moment Aman came out of his room. They met in the doorway and chuckled at this coincidence.

"Good morning," said Archana while locking the door. A smile appeared on her face after being quite surprised by Aman's appearance at the same time he came out of the room.

"Morning too, Archana," replied Aman while showing his dimples. "I... just wanted to invite you to breakfast."

"Oh really? Me too. Then, come on," said Archana.

Aman let Archana go first. The woman in black with navy skinny jeans walked straight before him. He thought for a moment, remembering the things of the previous night. Archana really made him feel better, at least that's how he felt. Her voice was soft and soothing, her gaze sharp yet full of a glimmer of serene love, which could grasp something inside him, her touch as soft as a pleasant feather.


Luckily, the restaurant was located on the same floor as their rooms. There are two rows of buffets on the right and left. Each contains several breakfast dishes served to hotel guests. Archana and Aman chose to take two sheets of naan and butter chicken. Archana also took a glass of mineral water and chai, then Aman followed. They occupied an empty table on the outside of the restaurant, a balcony overlooking to the open sea.

"Do you feel better?" Archana said starting the conversation when she tore her first naan. Aman started his breakfast by drinking the mineral water first. He raised his eyebrows after hearing her question.

"I'm much better after a long night rest," he replied with a chuckle and put his glass back on the table.

"Thankfully, I'm relieved to hear that," Archana replied while chewing the naan in her mouth.

Aman giggled softly, "Hey, finish the naan in your mouth first, then talk." Hearing that, Archana stopped chewing and her eyes widened. Then she continued her activities before replying to his words.

"Hehe, sorry, I brought my bad habit."

"Not a problem. You are exactly like my sister, your habits are the same," Aman mocked.

"Really? Wow I'm not alone," Archana responded while shrugging her shoulders. Not long after, her phone rang.


Archana asked Aman's permission to answer the call. Aman nodded and laughed a little.

"Good morning, Mum."

"I'm having breakfast now, will get back home after this."

"No, I'm with my friend." Archana's gaze went to the man sitting right across from her. A pair of brown eyes met her gaze and the owner pulled the corners of his lips into a magnificent smile.

"Priya goes out with her friends?"

"Ya, okay. Do you want me to bring something, Mum?"

"Hmm, alright. See you."

"Your mother?" asked Aman after Archana hung up the phone. She nodded and continued her breakfast.

"And Priya?"

"Priya is my sister. We are two sisters."

"Wow, we're the same. I also have one sister."

"Oh? Who's her name?"

"Choti Rani."

"Choti Rani?! For real? That's her name?" Archana was wide-eyed and started laughing.

"That's a nickname from me to her," replied Aman who laughed like Archana. "You want to know her name?"

"Hmm, I guess I don't have to. I like her nickname from you. So cute, Choti Rani," Archana said without stopping her laugh.

They continued to enjoy breakfast while chatting lightly. Archana's social spirit was high, but it's usually not this easy to get along with strangers, talk about life, work, and so on. Aman told that he's a doctor in one of the major hospitals in Mumbai. Everyday he meets the patients with various complaints. The medical profession might be something extraordinary for some people. It's truly amazing. The pressure behind it is also incomparable.

"It must be nice to be at school. Meet innocent children and accompany them to play in the open space. Not like in the hospital. The smell makes people feel dizzy," said Aman on the sidelines of their conversation.

Aman knew very well how it feels to lose the most important person in his life on an operating table in a cold room. The loss he caused by his own hands. The trauma was severe enough for him that he withdrew for several years from that cursed room. Not only that, his heart was heavy and restless about the guilt he felt for his sister. He thought, all because of him, because of him, their only parent was not saved.

Archana stared at Aman in disbelief. Her loving eyes seemed to show that she wanted to pull him into her arms. However, all she could do was smile bitterly and spoke in a low voice that Aman could hear.

"It must be very hard for you. But you've made it this far, it's amazing. Thank you."

Aman returned Archana's smile with a pitiful chuckle, "You don't have to worry. I'm fine. And thank you for your affirmation. I was touched."

"How can I not worry after seeing everything your eyes have to say and knowing your story, stupid?" she thought.

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