Chapter 12 - The Truth is Revealed

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"Archana, can we talk?"

"Mum, what's wrong?"

"What have you and Priya been hiding from me all this time?"

Archana chocked. "What? Nothing."

"Your father."

"He's gone, Mum."

"Since when did my two daughters know how to lie?"

Archana was silent. Parvati's piercing eyes stared straight into her, urging her to reveal the truth.

"Answer me, Archana."

Parvati's voice was really full of emphasis. She demanded. Archana didn't move at all. Her heart was restless. Her mind was torn between keeping the truth shut or revealing it which would obviously hurt Parvati a lot. However, no matter how deep the carcass is buried, one day it would smell. Right?

"How long have you been hiding it from me, Archana? Until my heart doesn't beat anymore?"

Suddenly, Archana opened her eyes. Her gaze was fixed on the dark ceiling of her room, then her eyeballs moved left and right to assure. She lifted herself up and looked at the clock sitting on her nightstand. Two in the morning.

"It was just a dream."


At six in the morning, Archana took a leisurely walk in her backyard. Every now and then she would move her hands and shoulders. But the dream did not go away from her mind. She had to make a decision very soon, but she couldn't do it alone. Not long after, Priya joined in, still in her nightgown. She brought a glass of water and sat on a lounge chair at the side of the garden.

"Didi, it's not usually this early," Priya said before taking a sip of the water she brought.

Archana turned around. "Priya. It's good you are here." She stopped her move, approached Priya and sat on another chair.

"Priya, I had a dream that Mum urged me to tell about Dad."

"Wow, did I hear right? Did you just call him 'Dad'?"

"Tsk, be serious. Mum seemed to already know, the way she spoke really demanded that I tell the truth to be sure."

"Then, did you tell her?"

Archana shook her head and slightly puffed her cheeks. "I haven't decided. We're keeping this together, so I wanted to know what you think."

Priya looked thoughtful for a moment. "Didi, maybe it's the right time we have to tell her."

Archana stared at Priya in silence. "Are you sure?" Priya nodded.


"Mum," Archana said after they enjoyed their breakfast. She looked at Parvati and Priya in turn.

"Mum, we have something to talk to you about," Priya interrupted.

Parvati nodded while wiping her mouth with a napkin. "Seems serious. What is it?" She folded her arms across the dining table, waiting for her two daughters to say what they wanted to talk about.

Archana took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "It's about-"

"Dad," Priya interrupted. She knew Archana would call him 'that man' again or she could just call him 'the rascal'.

"What's wrong with him?" Parvati asked before she pursed her lips.

Archana glanced at Priya. Her sister blinked her eyes and nodded slowly, convincing Archana to tell the truth. "Mum, I... hmm... Actually, that man – I mean, daddy. He was not on the plane that crashed that time. He's still alive, he's fine, it's just that he doesn't come back here." Parvati was silent. Her face showed that she was slightly surprised.

"I've known it long ago, Mum, since he left. I only told Priya, because I didn't want you to get hurt. But last night, I had a dream that you asked me about this. So, maybe it's time for you to know," Archana continued.

"Mum, sorry we kept this from you for years," Priya added.

"How did you know?" asked Parvati flatly.

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