Chapter 16 - A Message

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Arvind had already asked Archana for permission to stay in the house with his two daughters for the next week. After Parvati's death, Archana and Priya would definitely be very lonely. Arvind realized they both needed his support, though he always did that a long time ago.

Aman was about to say goodbye, but Arvind restrained him and took him to the backyard, while Archana and Priya were still busy tidying the house and preparing dinner. Arvind directed Aman to sit beside him on a long bench. Arvind sighed before starting the conversation. He told how his life was before meeting Parvati, then meeting that woman, marrying her, having two daughters who are now graceful adults, until their separation. He also told the character of each of his daughters.

"Archana never seems to be in love," continued Arvind. Aman was just silent, a bit surprised. "Maybe," thought Aman after hearing enough stories from Arvind about his family.

"Because of me, she might be afraid to fall for a man," Arvind sighed. His gaze was straight on the empty yard in front of him which was only planted with grass and a few neatly trimmed shrubs. The warm yellow garden lights witnessed the conversation of two grown men there.

"All this time, she only spent her time studying and working and trying to make Parvati and Priya happy. I hope my words don't offend you, son, but I have to tell you this. Archana's eyes look very different when she looks at you. I've been watching since you came. Maybe she hasn't spent most of her life with me, but I can recognize that. The way she looks at you, the way Parvati looked at me, is exactly the same."

Arvind turned his head, took Aman's hand and smiled "If you feel it, then please take care of her and don't do bad things like I did."

Aman returned Arvind's hopeful gaze. For some reason, his heart was beating fast. He didn't understand at all. "Me and Archana, we just met. We've only met twice, and thrice with now."

Arvind did not let go of the smile on his lips. "There is only you who know how you feel. Maybe not now. I'll tell you one more thing. There's a chance she knows something about you that you don't know, because whatever she does, there must be a reason behind it. No one would hug a stranger like her hugging you, even though you've only just met, right? I guess everyone is like that. But Archana has a clear reason. I know my daughter very well. Then, there's a chance that you can't run away from her. Never will until you finally realize it one day."

Aman was silent, trying to digest all the words Arvind said. His mind was blank, but his heart was still beating fast. His purpose came only to fulfill Archana's invitation, pay respects, witness the ceremony, meet her family and apologize for what happened. But there are things beyond his expectations, from Archana's hug, her touch, to her father's words. Not a single thing crossed his mind to react to, until Archana broke their silence.

"Dad, Aman. Dinner is ready." Archana was frozen under the glass door frame that divides the room in the house with the backyard.

Arvind got up from the bench and Aman followed. The closer they got to where Archana was standing, Aman's heart beat even faster.

"Then I'll go home," said Aman a little awkwardly.

"Why in the rush? Join us for dinner for a while. You can't waste food in this house. Isn't that right, Archana?" interrupted Arvind while turning his face to Archana who was a little lost in thought, wondering what was going on between her father and Aman.

"Ah, ya," she responded in short. She let Arvind and Aman walked before her, while she invited Priya who was in her own room.


The overcast skies without stars covered over Mumbai. Archana looked at her bedroom window which was wet by the rain that fell that night. In her hand she held a small white frame. There are memories with her mother there. She didn't expect her mother to leave so soon. It felt like she wasn't ready. Would never be ready to be away from her mother. But the reality forced her. Suddenly, she remembered her mother's message about the gift she has. She wondered whether this one she should believe in or at least she should try or not. Her heart and mind were incompatible. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a knock on her door.

"Archana, may I come?"

"Sure, Dad, it's not locked." Hearing that, Arvind smiled. His daughter had received him back even though he would only be staying in the house for a few days. He entered, stepped closer to Archana. The girl greeted her father with a smile.

"May I sit down?" asked Arvind while giving a cup of tea to Archana.

"This house was once your home and this room was prepared by you, right? So why not?" replied Archana a little sarcastically.

Avind sat beside Archana. "Are you still mad at me?"

Archana shrugged. "I'm not sure. Mum told me and Priya about that." Archana's eyes returned to the small frame in her hand. Arvind followed the direction of her eyes and smiled faintly.

"I owe you a lot, Parvati. Our daughters grew up gracefully, thanks to you."

"Isn't too late?"

"Ya, I am. I'm so sorry for it." The two fell into silence.

Arvind took Archana's hand and rubbed it gently. "Archana, how long have you known Aman?" asked Arvind.

She gasped. That was a very sudden and unexpected question. "Hmm, not long ago, I guess. The first time we met at a friend's party, then at the hospital, and he came here. What's the matter, Dad?"

He nodded and muttered. "No. I thought it's been a while or you two are in a relationship."

She chuckled, "How could you think like that?"

"I have been watching you since he came. That spontaneous hug, was not a hug someone gives to a stranger, especially an Archana. The sparkle in your eyes when you look at him was exactly like your mother's when she looked at me." Arvind took a sip of his tea, while his daughter was silent and looked away from her father outside her window.

She sipped her tea as well before giving a response. "What do you want to know?"

"I just want to make sure that you find the right person. Whoever wins you, I don't want him to do what I did, or some other bad things, or even worse," said Arvind with his soft bariton voice. His hand stroked Archana's blushed cheek.

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