Chapter 8

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A few minutes later, April and the girls were in the van waiting for Vern to come. After all, Vern is a fine guy and they didn't work anymore. Why shouldn't they date? "What do you want to do? You wanna head downtown?" he asked April and the others.

At this moment, Shira and the sisters peek from the car, holding their weapons and their equipment. Vern jumped behind the steering wheel, dropping the hat to the van's floor. 

"Eric Sacks is working with the head of the Foot Clan," April explained urgently. She told them how they got here and how the secret experiments that Sacks was working with Shredder is gonna destroy New York City and possibly the world. "They just kidnapped the vigilante turtles to take them to the Sacks estate. We need to go. Come on, Vern."

Shira and others peek at the back, nodding their heads fast. Vern stared at her at first and then shook his head. "Right, right, right. The turtles. I forgot. This is getting embarrassing. O'Neil, we're both consenting adults. We're both very good-looking. You're better, probably. That's up for debate. But the point is, we don't need to make up excuses to hang out with each other."


"Are you kidding me?" moaned Reika. She looked annoyed.

"You want to spend more time with me. I get it. I would, too."

"We need to get to the Sacks estate right now, Vern. Come on!" April urged.

"We have no time left!" yelled Tomoka.

"That's what I'm talking about, O'Neil. The Sacks estate with the vigilante..."

Raph leaned in between them from the back of the van. "STOP TALKING AND GET THIS VAN MOVING!! WE HAVE TO SAVE MY BROTHERS!"

Vern was shocked. His first impulse was to ask what this creature was, but he realized that April already told him. Reika did a smirky smile stating that she was always right, "You're a talking turtle," he said, surprised.

Raph spoke, "Yeah. Yeah, I'm a talking turtle and you're a human nerd. Now that we got that out of the way, hit it."

Reika leans toward Vern as Raph slips away. "Do you like him?" said Reika, smiling at Vern. Reika was a lot in love with boys, especially the gothic ones.

"I've never been accused of being a nerd before," Vern replied. "But... I'm sorry... How did you get in... How did he get in the..."

"He used the secret way."

In Sack's laboratory, Leo, Mikey and Donnie were growing weaker by the minute. They were suspended inside reinforced glass tanks, both their arms and legs are held by thick chains and shock collars are around their necks. Medical tubes wound out of the containment tanks and joined in hoses that fed a large pulsing machine and connected all over their bodies. They struggled to get out of them but it was no use.

Sacks entered and got his first look at the result of his experiments. "Oh, my. Wow. Unbelievable. Let me look at you. I'm a hard guy to impress, but... This is just... Oh, my God. Wow!" he ponders this for a moment as the turtles look at him with weak eyes. "And we were gonna use rabbits! Can you imagine that? All we were trying to do is create an antidote."

"For what? Why are you doing this?" Leo asked weakly. His voice sounded faint because of the glass cage he was in.

"Wow. Well, uh, we had this plan. A plan that we're ready to put back online today. I'll show you. Karai, Shadow, um... Show them."

To prove his power, Karai mentions for his men to pull a Foot soldier to the center of the room. Leo, Mikey and Donnie looked to see that Shadow is holding a button in her hands. While they held him, a breathing mask was strapped over the man's face. A hose connected the mask to a tank. A knob was turned, the sound of hissing gas could be heard. The man struggled and strained. After a few moments, the man stopped moving and slid to the floor, dead.

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