Chapter 1

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YN POV (I will protect you)

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YN POV (I will protect you)

I held her hand and her strength compared to mine was weak but I could feel it, just a bit, "C'mon honey, push!" I motivated her as I hear her pained groans trying her best to push it out. "Almost there! Almost-There we go!" The doctor told us and she rests her head on the bed breathing heavily trying to regain her breath, "It's a boy!" He happily announced as he gave it to us and we smiled happily to introduce him to our world.

"What should we name him?" Cervina asked me so I took a moment to think about the names we've talked about, James, Clarke, Renz, Zenith-.

"YN" I heard the baby talk which caught us off guard, I didn't know what happened but it went black.

Days later

"Aww, this baby is so cute!" I said as I stroked her head while looking at baby YN, we both look at each other happy before leaning close to each other for a kiss, "I would like another." She told me, "Why not? But you need to rest first." I told her before I do some house chores while she takes care of him. "Will your parents visit to see the baby?" She asks me and I thought about how my old man will react, "Cute." That was all I could think of if he arrived here, "I think your parents will visit too." I told her unsure if they were going to visit now.

"My parents said they'll visit on Friday." She told me and I immediately turn my attention to her, "My parents say they will visit on Friday too!" I said and we both realized that today is Friday, "I'll cook you stay and watch the baby, okay?" I said before rushing to the kitchen to cook us meals before they visit. How could I forget this?! I'm so dumb! I turn on the vacuum cleaner and let it roam around the living room while I tend to the kitchen, "My parents are calling!" I heard Cervina's voice.

Cervina POV

I fix my fur and fixed my composure before answering the call putting a smile on my face, "Hi honey! Have you been well? We're almost there!" My mom excitedly told me, "Okay! We're waiting for you to arrive, my husband will be happy to see you two!" I said enthusiastically as I hold my dear baby close to me. "I'll close the call now, see you there!" My mom says and I end the call after saying goodbye, I get on my feet with him in my arms before walking downstairs.

"You can sit down sweetie, I'll handle this." He said as he opens the stove to place the unbaked cake, "You sure?" I ask him, "Yeah! You stay and rest." He told me and I thanked him profusely before tending to my baby, "I'll be sure to reward you after this." I told him which made him chuckle. "Oh, I'll know what it will be." YN says as he waits for it to cook while sweeping the floor.

We heard a door knock so I try to get on my feet but he made me sit back down before opening the door to meet my parents, "Hello!" YN says before letting them in and my dad had a small chat with my husband, "Aww he looks so cute! What's your first reaction when you see the baby?" She asked me, "Happy and passed out." I look away remembering that this baby once spoke but I'll never tell them, "I'm happy that it's a human, it's a 50/50 after all." She looks at my baby with a smile on her face, "Can I hold him?" She asks me so I carefully handed him to her.

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