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behind the story.
Welcome back! For those of you that haven't read any of my work, heyyy! And for those of you that have, I'm so glad to have you back <3 it's been a minute. My name is Aleksus, I'm the author of Moonlight Kisses and an avid reader. If you haven't read MK or are in progress of reading it, YOU ARE READING CONSTELLATIONS AT YOUR OWN RISK, this book does contain major spoilers so click awayyyy and come back later. For the rest of you, thank you again for taking the time to read this book and supporting my work. I love you ❤️

comments and feedback.
As well as keeping in touch with y'all on Twitter, I check my Wattpad notifs as well! Do not hesitate to leave comments, feedback, constructive criticism, etc. It really does help when I'm writing chapters. The only thing I won't tolerate is hate comments towards me, my work, or anyone else in the comments. Leave that at the door please. There's a fine line between constructive criticism and being a dick, let's recognize that.

all rights reserved.
Everything that I have written is my original work and ideas. My work is mine only. Aside from select names, everything has come from my own words and ideas so don't steal it and claim it's yours. I will find out and I will be lividdd

This book is wayyy more tame in comparison to Moonlight Kisses. I wanted to keep it fun and light-hearted for the most part, but there is certain content included to keep the 'real' effect I like to keep in my books. There's colorful language, alcohol and drug use here and there, and brief mentions of sex. (I will not be writing actual smut in this book because even tho the kids are much older in these stories, in the one-shots I'm writing they are literal babies and I cannot get that out of my head long enough to write THAT about them😭) With that being said, if any of these topics trigger you or make you uncomfortable, this may not be the book for you.

social media.
Follow me for upcoming updates on this book and any other projects I decide to announce when the time is right. My update schedule is still up in the air with this book, with my packed schedule and such, but I will be trying my best to upload as often as I can. Sometimes I drop surprise chapters when I'm feeling nice, so follow me to never miss an update! My Twitter is the same as this user, @ chxrryskiwis.

It wouldn't feel right if I didn't give a BIG shoutout to the people who helped make this happen. Besides myself, there are plenty of other people who went into creating this story with me. I want to give a MASSIVE thank you to my friend Kelsey for letting me bounce ideas off with her and proofreading my drafts YOURE THE BEST. And secondly I'd like to thank @LonelyGhost0701 for the beautiful cover!

without further ado, go on to read the next chapter, which consists of key things you need to know about each protagonist in this series of short stories to get an idea of what each story will be about. I hope you guys enjoy it!

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