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There aren't many things of mine that I get to brag about

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There aren't many things of mine that I get to brag about. Yes, my family makes a ton of money, but in a school full of rich snobs whose parents are all lawyers, celebrities, doctors, or trust fund brats themselves, my money doesn't mean shit. Everyone can afford the latest iPhone or the newest BMW model.

But not everyone is fortunate enough to have impeccable music taste, which is exactly what I have.

I don't mean to brag but my playlist is just universally what everyone wants to hear. I have playlists for every mundane task because I can't imagine not listening to music whilst I go about my day. Whether I'm cleaning or shelving books, or while I'm eating, I even have one for when I'm in the car with my siblings and I want to tune them out. That one only contains the loudest songs I could find.

For my name's sake, I kind of have to have a good playlist. I was named after a rock song by the band 'Arctic Monkeys'. The song is decades old, most people my age consider it ancient, but I think it's pretty good. I still find it odd though that my parents named me after a song that isn't shy about all the sexual innuendos within the lyrics. I wouldn't be surprised at the amount of kids that were conceived with that song playing in the background.

I sit on the floor with my legs crossed and a stack of books sits on either side of me. One pile for the ones I have yet to check in and another for the books waiting to be shelved. Sometimes the barcodes on the books have been torn or worn away so I have to manually input the book's information and set it aside to get a new barcode. It doesn't take long, but it is a hassle in comparison to just scanning a paper.

While I check in books aimlessly, I hum along to the song playing in my ears. I remain relatively focused on the task at hand and completely forget that I should be at lunch right now like every other normal person my age. Not hiding away in the library scanning books.

I'm pretty sure even Mrs. Hansen is getting annoyed with me. When she saw me walk in from the East corridor and asked why I didn't associate with people my age. I told her it's because I think they're assholes. She said old people are assholes too, they just get away with it so I'd better get used to it. Some life advice.

Even then, I'd rather help her during my lunch break than sit with my group of friends who talk so abrasively that they're practically screaming over one another. And of course there's always the occasional rugby jerk that comes up to me to bring up the 'incident' to which I tell him where he can go shove his question because he's not getting an answer.

Nothing happens around here, for fuck's sake. My mum said everyone would be over the whole ordeal by the time we returned to school, she was astronomically wrong. Then again, she went to a private school in L.A., I'm pretty sure they had plenty going on all over the place.

I'm not hiding in the library, contrary to what Emrys and Elara seem to think. I just don't feel like dealing with the loudness of a high school cafeteria. Our school doesn't let the seniors leave campus, so it's either rambunctious cafeteria children or mindlessly checking in books while I listen to music. I will gladly take the latter.

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