Chapter 17

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'Well, here we go again.' Beth casually played with her mashed potato with her fork. 'Jules and her LOOOOOOOOOOOONG college application meeting.'

'She likes that stuff, doesn't she?' Simone chuckled. 'It has been two years. The thing is that this time's for real. We will be applying to schools next semester. Don't you have a meeting as well this afternoon?'

'Are we still going to wait for her, then?' Beth suddenly had an idea, picking up two slices of cucumber in front of her face. 'Hey, Simmy, look at these cucumber slices. How would you think if I stuck them on your face, like those beauty bloggers used to do?'

'Well, you try first. I'm not exactly in the mood for cucumber green eyes now.'

'NOOOO! Just try it!!'

Julianna walked towards the table occupied by Beth and Simone, followed by Felicity. 'Hey, guys! What are you doing in here, playing with cucumbers?'

'Oh, just a little joke about food.' Beth laughed awkwardly while hiding her cucumber pieces behind her back. 'Why don't you lay your bags first, and grab something to eat?'

'WOOOOOOO, Bee, weren't you just complaining about how long Jules usually takes for her meetings? Then, you did attempt to put cucumbers on my eyes.'

'Anyways, what did you guys talk about, Jules?'

'You know, just the usual resume check—grades, activities, essays, accolades, intended major—followed by a list of potential schools. I've decided that I won't be applying to Ronald Jameson anymore. I plan on sending my early application to Lisette because it has more of a chill, liberal arts environment, and a program that suits me.'


That afternoon, Beth also went for her meeting.

As she walked into the counselor's office, she found the counselor reading her file carefully already, making notes on the file as her view goes. Is there something wrong with my file? The atmosphere suddenly became weirdly tense for her. She stood awkwardly by the chair, waiting for a response from the counselor.

'Oh, don't worry, honey.' The counselor finally noticed her. 'Take a seat.'

Beth sat down with uneasiness, catching glimpses of books and papers stacked on the table.

'Forgive me—I've just been going through your submitted documents.'s your day been?'

'Good, I guess...' Beth started stuttering words with a forced smile on her face. 'What about you...?'

'I'm alright, busy with all your college stuff—speaking of which, you are a particular case, my dear. Very interesting.'

'Uhh, do you mean it in a good way or a bad way?'

'You are the creator of the show Dreamchasers, aren't you? In fact, I was one of your earliest fans when I saw the performance first come out in the school theatre. The story, hmm, reminded me of my younger self as well. Maybe that's what made me a counselor now, haha.' The counselor said. 'Your other experiences, let me see, are also very interesting. I wouldn't worry about them. The thing is that your grades first year at Laurel were fluctuating. Your test scores—I wouldn't say that they are not good—but maybe not on par with other more competitive applicants. Just to make sure, will you be applying to the School of Fine Arts of Lisette University via early admission?'

'Yes. That has been my dream for many years. I need to shoot my shot, or otherwise, I would regret not doing so.'

'We've had several people go to Lisette over the years—for the school of fine arts, I only remembered Bianca. She was the person who gave a graduation speech to her class. Top grades and test scores. Such a brilliant, intuitive mind, and caring personality. Though I've only met her in person several times, that girl left a lasting impression on me. She must have had a loving family and supportive friends on her journey!'

'That...that truly sounds amazing.' Beth felt uneasy again, trying to feign some dry chuckles. 'I didn't know that she was this well-rounded. I couldn't possibly compete with that kind of people, can I?'

'You guys are different. How do I describe it? You are like the summer flowers, while she is like the autumn leaves. Only after the blossom of the vibrant summer flowers comes the elegance of the fall leaves. Your application is risky but weirdly hopeful—Lisette loves to take on students that did something out of the box. Let me help you with a killer recommendation, but at the same time, you need to keep one thing in mind.'

'Sure...what are them?'

'The first one--where are you applying as a match if your Lisette plan fails? Even if you get in, there's a possibility that you might not get enough financial aid.'

'Little Valley College of the Arts or Pine Hill Polytechnic Institute. The latter one is also closer to my hometown. If I get a scholarship, that would lessen the load on my family, I guess.'

'Good. Do you have any questions for me?"

'How many students would be accepted into Lisette from Laurel Prep each year? ' Beth asked.

'Usually, a school like Lisette accepts only a couple of people per year from Laurel. In recent years, the number had declined to one or two people per year. Please be prepared if your chance gets risky because of this.'

Back at the homeroom, Julianna was talking with a couple of people while sitting at the table in a corner.

'Jules! I am back.'

'How did the meeting go?'

'Well, our counselor said I was a special case, and that schools might like to overlook my scores to take a risk on me based on Dreamchasers.' Beth's speech stopped in midair. 'Jules—I...I want to tell you something.'

'Sure, what's that?'

'We will probably be applying to Lisette together via early admission. There are only a couple of Lisette slots every year. You. Me. We are competing.'

'Compete.' Julianna laughed unexpectedly. 'Compete for what? Which of us looks better on a resume? Lisette has the best program in biology and oceanography in the nation, led by the most inspiring people in the field. Competing doesn't make sense. You have your strengths, and I have mine.'

'Well, still...there might be a chance that we could be accepted together. It's just that the chance—I couldn't say it is large at all.'

'You know, if Lisette is really such this great, accepting place that you have always described to me, why wouldn't it take a chance on us together?'

Beth sighed without further speaking a word.

'Life isn't all about competing for a definitive result.' Julianna suddenly said.

"What does that mean?"

"I realized something when I went back to my birth parent's place. Lisette is a better place for me to engage with people and focus on my interests at the same time. I wanted to be connected to communities and purposes, and I will admit that I do feel anxious about the college application process and leaving Laurel as well...'

'Oh, why?'

'We won't be together anymore if we go to different schools.' Julianna had her solemn face up again.

'Didn't know you are such terribly fond of me secretly!' Beth smirked.


'Well, back to the topic, if that happens, I will definitely video chat with you a lot and visit you in the holidays!'

'What about hand-made gifts and letters? I can send them to you via postal service.'

'Virtual movie nights works, too!'

Beth looked at Julianna one more time, knowing that Julianna would always be a friend of hers. She still hoped to become a Lisette student, but she grew a determination to accept wherever she would end up eventually. 

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