Seasons of Love Part 4

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Part four:

I got down at the Sealdah bus stop. Tania was waiting for me. Her light green kurti turned deep green as she profusely perspired waiting in the sun. I knew now it was my time to face the music.

Tania: You were on the bus?

"Umm...yeah.", I replied hesitantly as she asked this weird question so calmly.

Tania: Oh really? I thought you were on a bullock-cart.

Now I realised her sarcasm.

"I woke up late today. I'm sorry.", I replied with a babyish smile on my face.

Tania: I knew it. And whats that red thing on your cheeks?

I touched my cheeks and rubbed it.

"This one? Well, that's because of a lip balm.", I giggled and replied.

Tania: Lip balm!! You apply lip balm on your cheeks?!! Wow! Shehnaya! Wow. You are soooo intelligent!!

She sounded sarcastic once again. This went on and on between both of us. We were BFFs and the best critic for each other. She knew my flaws and pointed them out with humour. And the best part of it was, that inspite of my numerous drawbacks, she never forced me to change myself unlike others.

Even today, once again I showcased another example of my stupidity and she scolded me with love.

"Uff! Let's get going now. We are getting late.", I said and started walking.

Tania: Huh! Look who's talking.

"Yeah yeah. Now please walk fast.", I turned my head and yelled back.

It was a five minute walk from the but stop to the professor's house.

The third yellow building in the lane beside the sweet shop, was much easier to find with the help of our mobile GPS.

"Prof. Adhikary.", I read it on the letterbox.

Tania: Yes. Vikram Adhikary it is. Let's go in.

We opened the small gate and entered the garden. There were several plants planted in different artistic pots.

"Lover of art, seems so", I whispered to Tania.

Tania: Yeah.

We came across a big wooden door. There was a huge earthen bell at the side with a rope hanging from inside of the bell.

"Do we have to ring this bell!?", I asked Tania.

Tania: Are you mad? This is just for show! See, look there...there is a switch for an electric bell. Press that.

I was confused. Why will someone hang a huge earthen bell outside when there is an electric bell in the house. I reached for the switch still wondering for the need of the the other bell.

Seasons of Love by Jaismita AlexanderWhere stories live. Discover now