Seasons of Love Part 11

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Part eleven:

Tania and I reached Adhikary Mansion at 8:00 am in the morning. Some of VK's relatives had already arrived and he was busy attending to them. He was allotting rooms to everyone and he had also rented an empty house in the same lane, for a week. Some of the invitees were also sent to that house. Rudra was helping the elderly uncles and aunts to carry their luggage. He saw me entering and looked away making faces. I murmured, "Rustic dog". Tania giggled. We went straight into the living room.

VK was passing by and he peeped into the living room from the window. He smiled and said, "Girls, so you are here? Both of you are looking really pretty." I was wearing my salwar suit excluding the accessories that I had kept inside my bag to put them on in the evening. And Tania was in a saree with light junk jewelries.

Tania giggled and said, "Thank you VK. I bought the saree yesterday only to wear it today."

"You look gorgeous.", VK winked. "Girls, I am very busy now. I have to settle down all these people. The caterer must be arriving as they have to start with the breakfast too. Can you girls attend to them?", VK asked.

I Said, "Why not VK. Absolutely we can do that. You don't worry."

VK thanked and left. He came back again and said clearing his throat, "Ahem ahem...Shehnaya, be near the gate at 10. We have to go somewhere."

"Where VK?", I asked curiously.

"Umm...I need you to help in something.", He said.

"Okay.", I smiled. Tania looked at both of us curiously. VK left and we both went to the garden area to wait for the caterer.

Exactly, at 9:15 am a big white car halted infront of the gate. A few men got down and started taking out big boxes. The first two men to enter the gate were carrying heavy bags in their hands. They came upto to us and asked were to go. VK had opened his garage and taken out his car. We took them to the empty garage. They were to use it as a kitchen for the day. The old lady who worked for VK, also helped. I asked them to start preparing for breakfast as relatives were gathering in the garden. While I was busy talking to one of the men, Tania called me. I noticed she was staring at something lying on the ground. I came near and saw she was looking at the box the caterer had brought with them.

"What is it?", I asked Tania.

"Look! See! Carefully! It's Param's kitchen!", Tania said excitedly.

"So? What's wrong? Param's Kitchen is a very famous restaurant in Calcutta. VK wanted the best, so he called them.", I said very casually.

Tania looked at me with annoyance and said, "You are a cow! You don't remember Param? We went to this restaurant once for lunch and you cribbed because they didn't have Biryani! You called for the manager and Param, this guy had come to listen to you."

It quickly struck my mind and I remembered everything. Param was the owner cum manager of 'Param's Kitchen', a well known restaurant and yet it served Biryani only on special occasions. Once when we went to have lunch there after shopping, I was very disappointed to know they don't have Biryani. I had called for the manager and Param had come. I complained while Tania drooled over his good looks and well-built body. She had also taken his number saying that we would like to review his restaurant for a magazine.

Seasons of Love by Jaismita AlexanderWhere stories live. Discover now