Locked up

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Edas pov

"i dont get it." I cried. "After everything thats happen they betray me just like that! Was it all a lie?"

"Please dont cry lady edalyn" One of Raines crewmates said, "Im sure they had a good reason."

I wanted to belive them but even the crewmate sounded a bit unsure.

"It was probly all a ploy to get me captured. Why Raine..." I choked back more tears but nothing could stop them.

"Eda please." Another one of the crew said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "They must have a plan."

"They love you Eda, Raine has ranted to us about you to us to no end so we know."

"They have? No. If they really loved me they wouldent do this. Right?"

"Wrong." Raine said, voice echoing through the cells. "Eda Theres a reason for all of this."

"And what is it?" I Snarled, partly turning into the owl beast.

"The Emperor had your location Eda. He was going to kill you if i didnt bring you in, and my cerwmates too!"


"And if i turned you in and worked for him again he would spare you from the day of unity ok?" Raine looked desprate, "Please Eda i couldent risk losing you again."

"Do you really think Belos was telling the truth? Raine!"

Big tears began to roll down Raine face and i felt my heart shatter a little.

"Raine. . ."

"If he trys to touch you, and you guys too." Raine said, adressing their crew. "Ill make sure belos never lies to anyone again."

I nodded, feeling too tired to speak.

"What about stopping the day of unity Raine?" One of the crew said.

A look of determination flashed across raines face. "Were still doing it of course. I just need everone safe for the time being."

The crewmate nodded, "Ok i trust you Raine. And good luck."

Raine Nodded and looked back at me. "I need to go now. I- i love you Eda."

I looked at the floor, wanting despratly to say it back but the aching of betrayal kept my mouth shut.

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