For the rest of my life (End)

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Spoilers for s2 final!!

Edas pov

Things at the hidout were tense. Final battle plans made as well as plenty of fallbacks in case something went wrong.

our little group had expanded as well. Gaurds who quit working for the emperor joined us. Pledging to do everything in their power to help. Lilith had also returned. I was happy to see her of course but I wished the circumstances weren't as grim.

It was decided that I would go with the coven heads in place of Raine, using an illusion spell.

With my owl curse the draining spell would corrupt and stop working.

"Eda let me take your place." lilly had begged several time but I shut her down.

"No lilith I don't want to risk you getting hurt. you don't have as much control over the curse as I do."

"But your going to risk yourself?" Lilly argued, "that's not fair."

That evening I was helping Luz carve her palisman when she suddenly spoke.

"So Raine huh?"

"Yeah," I smiled, "why do you ask?"

"I'm just worried eda, what if we all die and you'll never be able to get married?"

"What?" I coughed, "where did you get the idea that I wanted to get married?"

"your diary eda." Luz said with a grin. "And under a pillow too- that's probably the worst place you could have put it."

"Luz!" i sighed loudly, "Ugh kid, you shouldn't have to worry about this. You- you should go to bed. It's a big day tomorrow."

Luz sighed but then looked up at me with a a familiar smile, "Tonight could be big too."

"What do you mean?" Luz tossed me the ring I had stored in my diary.

"I think you'll figure it out."

I looked down at the sparkling golden ring. then back at Luz who was cimbing into bed.

Maybe she was right...

* * *

Later that night the stars shone brighter then ever.

"Eda! there you are i- I got your note.." Raine said, coming up next to me. "it sure is beautiful tonight."

"yeah." I agreed. looking over at them.

"so?" Raine asked a bit shyly, "the note said you wanted to talk about something."

"That's right Raine." I smiled, "I know the circumstances aren't what I would like for this sort of thing but it will have to do."

Raine looked at me with a confused look before their face turned red.

"Raine Whispers. I love you more then you could ever know, and with the day of unity coming the risk of losing you is too much to think about. But we won't die Raine we won't. And when we make it out." I said, pausing to produce the ring from my pocket, "Will you marry me?"

Raine sniffed back tears, "Yes Eda I will marry you. But- how do you know we're going to make it? the risk is just so high- Just in case I want you to have this."

Raine slipped their hand into their pocket and pulled out a small metal object.

"Your other erring?" I gasped, "you still have it?"

"You gave it back after we broke up but I carried it around." Raine smiled, "here." I took off my other errings and clipped it in.

"Were going to have a beautiful wedding Raine I promise."

Raine wrapped their arms around a me, "Whether we do or we dont." They said, pulling me in, "Ill love you for the rest of my life." 


And then they kissed <3

Roll credits ✌️

Thank you for reading! love y'all :D


a raeda story about their middleschool/highschool is very possible so stay on the lookout for that (°~°)

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