05. Trembling Peace

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Little things don't bring me pleasure anymore

My past has memories that often leave me feeling sore

My future tempts me with its bait

But I don't have the motivation in me, I don't want to work and wait

I want it now, I want the pleasure and the money

I want satisfaction to knock on my door and engulf me

I'm tired of working in silence without an urge to go on

I feel monotonous dancing to the same song

My troubles are the same, but I am not

I don't think I've been growing a lot.

My mind is a warzone with countless voices

Tripping over one another, urging me to make more choices

I know what's next, but I cant bring myself to move

How long will I have to wait to finally find my groove?

I miss the old me who had it all figured out

This uncertainty is killing me inside out

Factor luck into it and I almost lose all my breath

As if I wasn't already just a hair's breadth from a premature death

My body looks weak and my mind is battered

I keep yearning for a day when this will no longer matter

When I will smile back at this and feel proud

Of the obstacles that are in my way that will then merely be a cloud

As I will sit in a field of roses enjoying the cool breeze

Finally free, finally at ease.


* * *

A/N: Well, that's my thought process these days in a nutshell. Took me a month to pen it down right, but I think it was worth it. Don't you?

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