#2; The Man

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-=POV; Y/N=-

We helped Toby looking at Lyra as she let her last breath. It hurt us the most that her father cared more about football then his own daughters life.

Not long later we could go home, all 3 of us. I sat on the backseat next to Toby. We were driving another way home because Toby's mother didn't want to drive where the crash happened.

Fast enough we were home. We stopped and stepped outside. Toby's father stood outside, waiting for Toby and Toby's mother. That bitch.

"W- why is he h- here?" Toby whispered to me. "I don't know." The hate in my voice was clear. Toby's father was clearly drunk, again. That alcoholic bitch only cared about himself. Every second I looked at him the even more I wanted to stab a knife right through his heart.

His father turned to him but Toby looked straight at his feet. My arm was around his shoulders and walked with him and his mother to the door.

"Hey! He's 16, he can walk for himself!" He yelled at me. I turned around, furious as I yelled back at him: "He's 17! Maybe you'd know that if you actually cared about him or even anyone else than yourself." With that I walked with Toby up to his room.

"I'll stay here as long as possible, okay?" He smiled as he slowly drifted off to sleep. I sat on his desk chair and played my book on his desk to start reading.


I woke up from my mother calling me downstairs to eat. I sat up and saw Y/N sleeping, she sat on my desk chair and her head was laying on her book on my desk. I smiled. I thought I saw something out of the window, but it was probably just from the medicine.

I decided to wake Y/N. "3 cookies and a glass of milk please." She said as she woke up, still half asleep. "Oh hi Toby!" She said as she saw me. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"M- mom called us to c- co- ome and eat." She nodded and stood up. We both walked downstairs. When father saw Y/N his face got angrier. "I can also go home." She said to my mother. "No need, you can stay here and eat." She smiled and sat down on the guest chair, next to my father.

I sat down across of my father, between my mother and an empty chair; the chair where Lyra always sat. Y/N was looking at me, worried as I refused to eat. I was staring at my father, getting angrier and angrier by every breath he took.

Mother saw me staring so she mentioned quietly to eat. I just stared down at my food.

Not long after everyone was done eating. I walked upstairs and played down on my bed. "Toby!" I heard Y/N. "It's okay, Y/N. I'll go talk to him, you can go home." My mother said.

I looked out of the window and saw Y/N walking home. My bedroom door opened and my mom came inside. "I know it's hard, Toby, believe me, I know, but I promise you it'll be better soon."

She looked at her feet, trying to hold back her tears. All the thoughts about my sister came flashing before my eyes; the fun moments we had when we were kids, the times she helped me when I did something, all the time my father hurt her to the last time I saw her.

"W- when is he g- going away?" I asked, my voice was shaky. "I don't know, sweetie. He'll stay here for a while. We stayed silent for a while. Mom sighed, kissed my cheek and walked out the door while saying: "Goodnight, sweetheart."

Hours past, but I just couldn't sleep. Every time the crash played in my head. The breaks, the screams of my sister, everything. I threw the blankets off of me, lay down on my back, pressed a pillow in my face and cried in it.

I wish Lyra was here, she and Y/N were the only ones knowing how to cheer me up. After a couple seconds I threw the pillow from my face and sat up, my head in my hands and tears streaming over my face.

I couldn't do anything but cry. I tried to keep it in, but I couldn't. I took deep breaths, walked to the window and looked outside, trying to stay calm. I rubbed my eyes and looked at a couple big pine trees.

When I stopped, my eyes slowly moved to a figure under the lantern pole. My head started buzzing but I didn't look away. The figure was around 10 feet tall, with long arms and legs. He stared at me, even though he didn't have a face.

The buzzing in my head got louder and louder and everything turned black.



it's just Slenderman.


it was obvious.


it was.


it literally was.

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