#11; The Plan

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-=POV; Y/N=-

"Hello, my child." He said as he bowed. "I need a favor." I said calmly, bowing back. "What is it?"
"You know Laughing Jack, right?"
"Of course I know him! What's up with him?"
"I need you to help us kill him."

Father went silent for a while. "I can't do that." He said after a while.  "What?" I looked at him with anger. "Why do you want to kill him anyway?"
"He killed my friends, gave another friend of mine a trauma, oh and he tries to keep me away from Toby."
"Ticci Toby?"
"Damn the news is spreading fast... Yes, Ticci Toby."

He looked at me, "You have a crush on him, don't you?" He sounded stern. My face became a deep red color and I looked away. Father growled. "Look, I know I'm not allowed! But I can't do anything about it!" Father walked towards me and grabbed my shoulders tight, "You're coming with me to the Underworld, I'm not allowing you to see that Toby boy again." "What!?" I yelled, punching his hands of my shoulder. "I'm not coming with you!" "Y/N!"

Anger raged in me. I slammed my claw right through father's chest, taking his heart out. The color faded out of his existence as he fell back into the gap in the ground, falling back into the Underworld. The crack closed and I was left there, staring at the place where father stood first and with his heart in my hand. "Y/N?" I heard Lucy behind me. I turned and saw her with a big old book in her arms, the title read: 'The secrets of dark magic'.

"I got his heart." I said with a weak smile. Lucy smiled widely, "That's exactly what we needed!" I looked at her with a questioning face. "Come!" She said as she dragged me back inside into the basement. When I saw Willow's body anger came over me. "It's okay, Y/N. We'll give her a proper funeral." I nodded as we walked further towards a stone table. She light the black candles and opened the book on the right page. I lay the heart between the candles.

Lucy started chanting something. The heart catched fire and I could feel wind, what was weird because we are in the basement. Lucy's eyes had turned fully black and gave light for some reason. Her hair was floating up and it looked like a total mess. When she was done she closed her eyes and her hair went back down, the heart also stopped burning.

Lucy opened her eyes and picked up the now black heart. She ate it. I looked at her with a small smile, she looked like she was gonna throw up though. When she was done she turned to me and she opened her eyes. They were still black. "Lucy, did you just really..?" "Yes I did, and I don't regret it."

She had made herself a demon. I grinned. This kind of dark magic was banned everywhere, even in the Underworld itself. "What's the plan?" I asked. Lucy smirked and looked at Willow's body, "I think I have an idea."


"Y/N!" I've been searching for her everywhere. I was so scared Jack got her. That's when I saw an eerie abandoned looking house. I rushed inside. The door to the basement was open. I rushed inside to see the body of a girl, a demon girl and... "Y/N!" I yelled as I ran towards her. I hugged her tightly. "Toby!" She sighed happily and hugged me back. "Is this that boy you were talking about?" The demon girl giggled. "Oh shut up." Y/N said.

I let go of her and I turned to the body of the dead girl. "W- what did I m- miss?" I asked. "Jack killed Willow, Lucy is now a demon, oh and I killed my father."
"Y- you have a f- father? I th- thought he was getting m- milk."
"My father is Zalgo."

I looked at her in shock. "T- that ex- plains a lot." She looked at me in disbelief and punched my shoulder playfully. I laughed. "How cute." Lucy was started shipping us. "Back to business!" Y/N said as she walked towards Willow's body. "We have to kill Jack." Lucy and I nodded. That's a great idea.

We took Lucy back to the Mansion after making sure Slenderman wasn't there. Everyone loved Lucy immediately. Everyone started making a plan on killing L.J. with Lucy as leader. She was brilliant. Y/N cared so much about her too. I hope she doesn't die on this mission, otherwise Y/N would kill everyone on her path, even us.



it's a short chapter though.


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