#4; First Kill

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-=POV; Y/N=-

Today Toby had his first talk with the therapist. I heard from his mother that it didn't go well so she wanted me to stay over for the night, just so I could keep an eye on him.

I was knocking on Toby's door and opened it. He was laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling in the dark. "Hey Toby, your mother asked me to sleep over for the night." A small smile formed on his face as he looked at me.

There was a little air mattress on the floor next to his bed, making that there was almost no space left in his room. I unpacked my stuff and played down. It was already like 11:30 PM and I was pretty tired. I faced Toby as I slowly fell asleep.

-=POV; TOBY (I know you have these a lot, but it's only in the start of this fanfiction I promise)=-

I was still laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling for a couple hours. I felt myself falling asleep as I heard footsteps in the hall. I sat up right and looked at the door that was standing right open. Y/N forgot to close it.

There was no light, everything was just a little clear because of the moonlight, it made that everything looked cold. I stood up and slowly walked to the door. The door suddenly slammed shut in his face.

I got startled and fell backwards, almost hitting Y/N's geef. She was still sleeping. I started to breathe heavily when I hit the ground, my eyes wide open. I waited a couple seconds with standing up. I grabbed the cold doorknob with my bandaged hand and opened the door.

I looked through the hall and sneaked out of the room. The window at the end of the hallway lighted the darkness with the blue moonlight as I walked further.

I heard footsteps all around me and soft giggling, it sounded like there was a little kid running in front of me. The hall was longer than I remembered, it looked... Endless. Just like the driveway from the hospital to his house.

I heard a door open. "Mom?" I asked with a shaky voice. Suddenly the door behind me shut, I jumped and turned around. Behind me I heard a low, scary noise. I turned around and looked at no one else than my own dead sister.

Her eyes were fully white, her skin pale, and the right side of her jaw was only holding on to 1 thread of muscle. There was glass in her forehead, and black blood dripping from her face, her blonde hair as always in a ponytail, her gray T-shirt and shorts were dirty and under the blood. Her legs were bounded in an inhuman way.

I screamed and fell backwards. "Aw!" I slowly crawled backwards and away from her, while keeping eye contact with her empty, dead eyes. I crawled until I couldn't go any further.

For a second I stopped. Everything was dead quiet, the only noise was his breathing and crying. He slowly looked up to see the man with no face leaning over him. Behind the man were some weird people.

Those weird people are the other Creepypasta's

I screamed and stood up quickly, only to fall over a black tentacle that was grabbing my ankles. I fell on my tummy and it felt as if all the air was pushed out of my lungs. I tried to scream but I didn't make any noise. I coughed and then everything went black.

-=POV; ??=-

"Toby!" I yelled as I pushed Slenderman away and got Toby back in his room and lay him back on his bed. "Calm down, shorty, he's still alive." Jeff said. I looked him dead in the eye as I tucked Toby in. "Barely, yes! Just shut up and leave! I told you I'd handle him!"
"Shorty, just-"
"Alright, fuck face. Now get out of the house!"

They nodded and everyone left, even Lyra vanished. Those bitches really need to listen to me.

-=POV; Y/N=-

I woke up by Toby screaming. I looked up at him, he was sitting up straight and breathing heavily. "Is everything alright?" I asked sleepy. He looked down at me, stroking a piece of hair behind my ear before he stood up.

I also stood up and started packing my stuff. There was a cough from Toby's father. I looked up at Toby who had opened the door. I followed him. His father was smoking in the living room.

Toby just stood there. Then I remembered what Lyra once told me: "If Toby is just standing there, staring at something or someone, he's listening to the voices in his head. When that happens get him our of trance immediately, he can be a danger to everything and everyone around him."

Toby started shaking. "Toby." I said softly as I placed a hand on his shoulder. He walked away and took a knife. "Toby." I said a little louder. He walked towards his father. "Toby!" I said louder.

"Heh... Heheh... Hehehehehe! HAHAHAHA!" He laughed so hard he couldn't breathe. "Toby stop this!" I yelled as I quickly went to him. His father looked up at Toby before he was thrown on the ground with inhumane strengths.

"What!?" Toby's father yelled as he looked at his son that was leaning over him with a knife in his hands. "Toby what are you doing!?" He yelled as he sat up and held his arms out for protection, but before he knew it Toby was on top of him.

Toby tried to grab his neck but his father grabbed his wrist. "Stop it! Get off of me little fucker!" He yelled as he tried to punch Toby, but Toby stopped. The look in Toby's eyes wasn't normal, like he was possessed by a demon. But I... Liked it?

Toby tried to stab his father through his chest, but his father grabbed his wrist another time. His father tried to push Toby off of him, but Toby kicked him hard in his face.

Toby's father let him go to grab to his face, but Toby jumped on top of him and stabbed his father through his shoulder. His father screamed as be tried to pull the knife out, but before he could Toby punched him in his face.

He punched the whole time in his father's face, laughing historical. He broke his father's neck and pulled the knife out of his father's shoulder. He stabbed in his father's chest and started stabbing him over and over again.

Blood flew everywhere. He stopped when his father's body didn't move again. He threw the knife away and leaned over his father's body, coughing and panting.

We heard a scream. A couple meters away from us stood Toby's mother, tears were streaming down her face and hands covering her mouth. "Toby!" She yelled, "Why did you do that!? W- why!" She cried.

Toby stood up and ran out of the house. "Toby!" I screamed and I wanted to run after him, but his mother held me close "He's too dangerous." She said crying.

I heard the police coming towards us. I got loose of Toby's mother's grip and ran outside, seeing Toby running away with 2 hatchets, lucifers and he was spilling gasoline all over the streets to the forest where he hid.

"Toby." I whispered, and before I knew it, fire was everywhere. Everyone was screaming and running around. "Toby!" I yelled for him as I searched everywhere. I saw him in the woods, Slenderman standing behind him. That was the last time we saw each other.



maybe if you have sleep a chance...


oh no! it's Slenderman! 🙄


omg. 🤦‍♀️

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