#3; Again

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I woke up in my bed. I felt... Different? I wasn't tired, even though I had the feeling that I was awake the whole night. I thought about nothing. I slowly sat up and went to the wall, but when I stood up I felt dizzy.

I walked down the stairs, at least, tried to walk down the stairs, it wasn't really walking. My parents were sitting at the table. My father was watching tv and my mother was reading the news paper.

"Good morning sleepy head! You slept for a while." She said with a slight smile. I looked at the time; 12:30 PM. "I had breakfast for you but it's cold. I wanted to wake you up, but I thought you'd needed the sleep."

Her face went from happy to worried when I didn't answer. "Are you alright?" I slowly 'walked' further and sat down next to my father.

I didn't have any control about what my body was doing. I saw everything I did, but couldn't control my brain.

My body wanted to grab my father's arm, but my hand got punched away. My father turned to me and kicked the chair I was sitting on, "Don't touch me!" He yelled.

My mother stood up, "Okay, stop it! This is the last thing we need!"

Days went by, and everything stayed the same. Mother used all her time to clean the house, and father used all his time to command her. Just like before the crash.

I never really came out of my room. I sat on my bed, and was shaky. My mind was full with thoughts, but the thoughts were going too fast to keep track of them.

The only person really being here with me, was Y/N. She talks to me, makes sure I eat and drink and that I keep healthy. I almost never talked back.

It's late on the day and Y/N just went home. I watched her go home through the window. She smiled and waved at me. I waved weakly back.

I sat back down on my bed and stared at my hands. I couldn't feel any pain, right? Before I could think twice I started biting down on my hands, ripping the flesh from my fingers. I bit till they bled.

When my mother came in, she screamed horrified. She ran inside my room and bandaged my hands. She said to make sure I wasn't ever alone again.

I isolated myself, for everyone, even Y/N. She's sitting hours outside my door talking about school and how much she missed me. I isolated myself so much that I started to hate others and lost track about what I had done seconds earlier.

I started saying nonsense, nothing that related to the conversation I was having. I would see things, like sharks in the sink as I did the dishes, I heard insects under my pillow, and I saw ghosts outside my window.

ok those things brought me to a therapist. My mother was afraid for my mental health, so she thought it'd be the best for me to take with a professional.

My mother walked me inside a building, holding my hand. She walked with me to the reception and talked to the woman who sat there. "Miss Rogers?" She asked. "Yes that's me," nodded mother, "we're here for doctor Oliver, I'm here with Toby Rogers."

"Yes, this way." The woman stood up and walked us through a long hallway. I looked at the paintings on the walls and listened to the strange but calming music coming through the radios.

The woman opened a door to a room with 2 chairs. "If he waits here a couple minutes, I'll get the doctor." She smiled and held the door open. I walked inside the room and sat down. I looked at my mother and the woman as they shut the door.

I looked around before I held my hands up and tried to free my hands from the bandages by trying to bite through them, but I got stopped by a young woman in a black-white dress and light blonde hair that came in with a notebook and pen.

"Toby?" She asked as she smiled. I nodded. "Nice to meet you Toby, I'm doctor Oliver." She held her hand out to shake mine but awkwardly pulled it back as she saw my bandages. "Oh." She laughed nervous before she sat down on the chair across from me.

"I'm going to ask you some questions, and I want you to answer them as truthfully as possible, okay?" She placed the notebook with pen on the table. I nodded slowly and placed my hands down on my lap.

"So Toby, what's your age?"
"17." I answered quietly. She wrote that on the paper. "What's your full name?"
"Toby E- Erin Roger- s."
"When is your birthday?"
"Ap- ril 28th."

"What family members are the closest to you?" I paused a little before I answered, "M- my mother, my f- father- r, and..." I stopped, "m- my s- sister."
"I heard about your sister, I'm so sorry sweetheart." Her face looked sad and was full with pity.

I nodded, not knowing what to answer. I was just trying to keep my tears in. "Do you remember the crash, Toby?" I looked away from her. My head was empty. I looked at my lap, and closely, I heard a soft buzzing in my head. My eyes widened as I freezed.

"Toby?" Doctor Oliver asked. "Toby are you listening?" I felt a shudder as I freezed again, I looked to the little window in the door, I saw it; the figure without a face. He looked at me. I stared with big eyes, the buzzing in my head getting louder and louder until the therapist got me out of trance.

"Toby!" She yelled. I jumped up and fell from my chair. Doctor Oliver stood up with her notebook against her chest. She had a surprised look in her eyes. I looked again in her eyes, heavy breathing as I got an attack.



I'm going to feel sorry for Toby.


no I didn't, is that bad?


welp, there's nothing you can do about it.


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