Chapter 60.25 - The Unveiling

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(Image credit - Conner Wilkins at


The horse shifted uneasily on his horse legs and huffed loudly.

He lowered his deep voice. "Mogu did not kill Midnight. He is still on that mountain sleeping while standing up like the abomination he is. I know Mistress would be angry if I ripped through his weak pathetic body. I simply took on his likeness so he would be blamed for the abduction of her playmate."

The stallion stomped his front right leg several times to get Grey Wolf Didi's attention who was still staring at them with a confused and irritated expression from behind the translucent protective barrier.

"You!! Wolf-boy! Remember it is, I, Midnight, the useless of all bitches from the Zhi Yue Tribe, with the tall long shiny black body who dragged you here against your will! Dark as the middle of night!! Dark as the eternal dark place where the shitballs arise, it is I, Midnight!!"

"Oh hell," muttered Liu Jun in disbelief.

Liu Jun shook his head. "Look, I by no means consider myself scrupulous, but even I find what you're doing problematic. Why ... in the multitude of worlds would you do this? Do you hate that horse that much?"

The horse nodded his heavy head.

The demon sighed. "Look, you've had your fun, now turn yourself back into your Snow Lion form and let's get out of here. I need to get back to Dihou. Wait ... where exactly are we?"

The horse lowered his voice again. "We are inside of me," the horse responded matter-of-factly. "I used the magic to put us inside me."

Liu Jun just blinked back to trying to process what Mogu, who still looked like a horse had just said.

"Inside you? Like ... inside inside ..."

The horse nodded his heavy head. "Inside inside."

"What ..."

The demon looked around at the dark cave-like surroundings and passageways.

Liu Jun shook his head in disbelief. "Did that portal of yours ... did it transport us into your ... "

The horse simply blinked back. His long dark lashes that framed his large eyes fluttered with every blink.

"Mogu ... Mogu .... " Liu Jun's deep voice began trembling. He waved his hand to place a sound barrier over Grey Wolf Didi.

Hey!!! The young wolf could be seen mouthing out his protest.

Liu Jun turned towards the horse who awkwardly began clopping in place. "Holy dirty shitbag are we up your butthole?"

The demon gestured wildly with his outstretched hands and began to yell. "Please do not tell me these dark tunnels are your bowels!!"

The horse just stared back at the agitated demon with wide eyes and continued to shift from leg to leg.

"Mogu! Answer me. Gods and demons help me if a shitball taller than myself starts rolling out one of those caves I swear by the almighty Dijun's gorgeous white hair and Dihou's magic meatballs I will SET YOUR SHIT ON FIRE!!"

The horse just continued to stare back with a vacant look coupled with long swishes of his horse tail.

Grey Wolf Didi stood nervously looking at the black stallion and then at the demon. He could hear nothing that was being said but it looked like Liu Jun was having some sort of mental breakdown.

Liu Jun began pacing back and forth. He gripped his head into his hands and released an agonizing growl. "Arrgh!!" He then dropped his hands to his side and stared at the horse and began talking to himself.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: A Past Reframed, Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now