Chapter 64 - To Touch a Sore Spot

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A/N: "To touch a sore spot" refers to evoking strong feelings, usually about a sensitive matter

Just a shout-out to you guys who continue reading, continue voting, and continue leaving kind and/or hilarious comments. It's been a very hot and very busy summer. Any time I get to sit and write is a blessing. Thank you for your support!


Cold dark eyes stared intensely back at him. This made Liu Jun swallow hard. Sweating was not something he did as he was not easily perturbed enough for his cultivation to be effected. 

But this was different.

Within his aura, it felt as if his soul was being pushed aside to make room for someone else's.

It was an elderly soul who was tired of metaphorically standing so it demanded the demon's whole aura turn into a waiting room.

This was the image the uneasy demon had in his mind's eye. The almighty god was sitting on the bench of Liu Jun's flattened soul staring out with a bored expression on his face.

"Scarface, are you listening to me?" Her soft voice reached out to pull the demon back into the present moment. 

"Oh, Dihou. Yes, sorry. I'm listening."

Even though he was talking to his mistress, the cold dark eyes that stared back at him were Donghua's. 

Liu Jun shifted his gaze to find the little head that was propped on the ancient god's strong broad shoulder. Her arms were wrapped around her mate's neck as her body was plastered to his back.

Donghua had his arms securely hooked around her thighs and stood tall like a tree with a koala clutching onto the trunk. He stared out expressionlessly in front of him. He wasn't even making purposeful eye contact with the demon; it was Liu Jun who simply happened to be standing in his way. 

After the burial for the white fox, her mate had wanted to carry her back for their bath but she insisted on riding piggyback style. Before they were to venture back from Mogu's garden, she had stated she needed to talk to her bodyguard regarding official Qing Qiu business. 

Liu Jun tried to focus on her while she spoke with him, but being in such close proximity to the devastatingly handsome ancient god was incredibly distracting.

The demon shifted his stance to the right slightly to better line up with his mistress. He intensely focused on her to keep himself grounded. He noticed the littlest details of how she hooked her chin over onto the almighty god's shoulder and how she clutched fistfuls of her mate's long white hair as she had his neck in a variation of a chokehold. 

With his hair being pulled like that, doesn't his scalp sting?

Liu Jun imagined her boney chin must be digging uncomfortably into her mate's shoulder but Donghua did not seem to care. 

The demon tried his best to block out anything from his periphery, whether that was Donghua's tall toned body or his flawless skin and handsome features. 

Liu Jun dipped his head slightly to stare at the neutral grass beneath their feet. It allowed him a quick moment to regroup and focus. "Yes, Dihou. I will do as you have instructed."

His lips inched out ever-so-slightly at how his Dihou was a true queen. On his own, he had already planned to investigate the killing of spiritual foxes for their cultivation and fur, but to his surprise, she had come riding on the back of her mate to discuss this very issue with him.

She was entrusting her bodyguard with the investigation. 

A satisfying and comforting arrogance rested in his chest knowing that he and his mistress were on the same page. 

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: A Past Reframed, Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now