Episode 4: Red Safe

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Abby DeVan - Hi5 Studios - 27th March 2020 – 22 Years old

"Abby!" I hear called behind me. Turning around I see Woods holding a piece of wood and a drill, his usual accessories.

"Oh, hey Woods." I greet my friend.

"You remember Matt told you a long time ago to look around for some stuff that's related to that safe thing you guys found."

"Yeah, he did. I've got nothing though and it's been literally two years man. I gave up looking ages ago to be honest." I complain.

"Well, you might be happy to know that I've found a blue box in that desk that they took from the extension of red base. I wondered if you wanted to look at it."

"Oh sweet. Yeah, I'll take a look." I reply happily.

"Well follow me then." He leads me into the new section of red base and takes me straight to the warehouse. "It's right over there." He says as he points to the right where the desk is put up against the wall. "It should be in one of those drawers right there."

"Thanks Woods." You thank as he makes his way over to the makeshift worktop in the middle of the warehouse. I stroll over to the old desk opening the first drawer to find the box Woods mentioned. In bold white letters the logo 'SCHLAGE' is written across the top.

With something to finally report to Matthias I pull out my phone and go on the company communication app, Vox. I press the record button and begin to speak, "Okay, so, Woods found something pretty dope, he thinks it might be something related to the keys since it was in the new expansion in red base." I explain while opening the case to show the camera that I've popped up, "I think it's a key making kit. We might want to look into this."

I end the recording and quickly send it off to Matt knowing that it will definitely pique his interest.

Remembering the recording and camera preparations as well as leftover editing I need to complete this morning I tell Woods that I've left the case on top of the desk as I walk out of the white walled warehouse and back into the office space.

Making the short trip to orange base I greet my co-workers then start my day with overseeing a GG shoot for Connor, Tanner and Paul all the while thinking of what could possibly connect the kit to the two keys you eventually gave back to Matt.

Once my morning tasks are completed, I decide to make a quick trip over to red base to take a more thorough look at the kit with the hour or so of break I have until the next lot of editing.

Walking into the warehouse I see that Woods is still there constructing something with three others of his close co-workers.

Not two seconds after reaching the kit I hear my boss scolding Woods gently for not wearing safety goggles while drilling. He can be a bit of a dad to the employees of this company if that's not clear, especially the younger ones like Samantha (20), Woods (23) and I (22). "Where's Abby? She wasn't in orange base, and she said you found something."

"Oh, she's right over there." Woods replies, pointing me out on the right side of the massive warehouse. I watch my boss and my friend Samantha as they make their way over with Woods coming in tow.

"This was in the drawer." I say as I lift said drawer up to open it and gesture to the blue metal case laying on the desktop. "This desk is just preposterous." I comment while Matt rifles through the drawer only to find a few parts of locks.

Shortly after he reaches over and grabs the kit and saying "Okay, thank you. Abby, Sam, let's go and inspect this. Thanks for finding this Woods."

"Are you coming?" Sam asks Woods who she notices is following.

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