Episode 8: Notes

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Hi readers! So sorry this chapter took so long to be uploaded, I've just started school again and it's taking up a lot of my time right now. I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing for you guys but thank you so much for being patient. I hope you enjoy this chapter, there will be more coming. Have a wonderful day and don't forget to vote and comment to give me any kind of feedback, it will be great to hear from you! Enjoy the story and Happy Halloween.


Abby DeVan – Hi5 Studios – 14th October 2020 – 23 years old

It's hard for me. It really is. To lie to my parents that everything at work is just fine and dandy. Well, for the most part it is, but I can't help but feel that we're beginning to become consumed by each and every discovery that pulls us deeper down the invisible rabbit hole in the past few weeks. They're popping up more frequently because we're actively looking for them now, and that may or may not be a mistake.

The Mountaineer is the topic of the day as Matt text me to say that at some point we'll be digging around in there during the day to find the VIN number to go about this problem as legally as possible. I know it's a small task, however, there always seems to be the pattern of some kind of setback or complication that comes into the mix.

"Abby? Are you listening to me?" A smooth voice calls, snapping me from my daze. I look up to the greying man in front of me.

"Hmm? Sorry dad, what did you say?" I ask with the tone of my voice sounding like he caught me messing with his old lab equipment.

He smiles softly, shaking his head. "I said, did you have a chat with your boss about going to work with you?"

"Oh, yeah. I did. He said he'd love for you to come in."

"Great." He pauses slightly before leaning forward with his arms resting on the polished surface, hands clasped together. "Something is bothering you; I can see it in your face. What's going on?"

"It's nothing. Just some crazy stuff that's being resolved. No big deal." I tell him a half lie.

"Crazy how?" He quizzes, a look of concern hidden under the surface of his aged features.

"Just a few things have been dug up and chatter is going on around the office about it is all."

"Well, if they're only small things then you should be able to talk a little about it." He pushes.

Not about to drag my father into something unnecessary I make a show of checking the time from my seat. "Sorry dad. I've gotta go to work now."

"Maybe we'll be able to talk about the crazy stuff when you get home." He yells lightly as I open the front door with my backpack and keys.

Through the entirety of the short drive to Hi5 studios I hope that whatever we find or don't find today will be inconsequential. As fun as the initial chase might be, I do understand that there could always be something much bigger and much more worrying at the other end of the fishing line. I just hope that isn't the case. I don't want to have to lie for too long, my parents are protective in their own rights, my father especially. They would be sure to get a bit paranoid if this got worse.

After some time passes, I find myself inside Blue Base again with Matt, Sam, Woods and Hannah. Matt, being the productive person he is, wants to deal with the task at hand straight away. "Today we are going to be checking the VIN number. It's just been a while; the car hasn't moved for almost a month, right?" He continues while looking between Sam, Woods, and I "Maybe sometime this week we can go to the DMV and check up on it, see who owns it, see why we found a key that starts it in the wall. Don't forget that" He stresses, "I always forget it."

Down The Rabbit Hole: Season 0 - The Key.Where stories live. Discover now