Episode 11: Intruder Alert

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Abby DeVan - Hi5 Studios - 19th October 2020 - 23 Years Old

8:50 AM

The sun is blazing down onto the asphalt as I guide my car into the parking lot of my workplace. It's still a bit early, but there's no harm in that. I suspect that someone like Kevin or Woods should have got here not too long ago.

When I come to a stop and go to grab my backpack from the passenger side I get startled by a knock on my window.

"CJ! Really dude? This early?" I complain, forcing him out of the way with my door while he laughs.

"It's never too early. I didn't manage to get Kevin though, he got out of his car too quick."

So, Kevin's already here. "That wouldn't have scared him anyway."

I swing my pack over my shoulder and shove my keys into my pocket once I lock the car. The two of us stride up towards Blue Base to greet the man that came in earlier, only to see through the clear glass window that our boss is here too and they seem to be deep in discussion. The door makes it's usual beep when CJ presses his key FOB against the lock, and the door swings open as it's released. The two's conversation comes to a temporary halt as they briefly greet us. We only catch a part of the conversation when they continue, not minding us hearing.

"They have very long codes that are unique. So, not everyone can get into our system unless that unique number is in our system." Kevin explains while waving his own key FOB around as an apparent example. "So, clearly someone tried to use a key FOB that has a number that isn't in out system." He looks towards the monitor to the right of him and continues "It shows the number, but not an identity."

"Okay, so what you're saying is that it will be highly unlikely for anyone to get access to our system unless you've put them in?" Matt presses.

"Correct. That's the only way, unless someone from our security company has access." He confirms, "But here's the thing bro, this system was here before we were, so I tried to wipe all of the old key FOB's so hopefully we've started from scratch."

"Wait, wait." I step in "What do you guys mean? Has someone used an old one?"

At this question Matt says plainly "Someone tried to break in."

There's a pregnant pause while CJ and I look to each other and back to our boss, reeling over the piece of information.

"We have footage of someone at, like, 10:30 last night." He fills the silence.

Rubbing the palm of my hand down my face I ask "This hasn't got anything to do with the Mountaineer does it? 'Cuz if it is then we're in over our heads now that we've got people literally trying to break in." Concern riddles my body at the thought.

Matt chuckles to mask his unease "Don't say that. I mean, why would someone want to break in over some old, beat up car?"

"The only way we know is because he knocked on the door." Kevin inputs. He points to the lamp that is currently illuminated on the other side of the lobby in the seating area "He knocked because he thought someone was here."

"We should as whether anyone recognizes him and see if it's an old employee." Matt wonders.

"Well, he's obviously a male. Height wise I'd say around 5'8" to 6' to where his head comes up to at the door." Kevin says.

"Okay, while we wait for everyone else to get here, I'll show you what we saw." Matt decides, speaking to me. He leads me to his office only a few feet away, on the desktop the video is still loaded. He tells me to put on the headphones. I do so, and he hits play. At first, all seems to be calm, just a standard nighttime view from inside the office space looking out. Well, that is until the suspect in question appears from the left hand side of the camera feed, walking straight past but clearly looking inside. It only takes a second for the man that adorns black jeans, jacket and a grey hoodie with the hood pulled all the way over to obscure his face to come right back to step up to the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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