First meeting

22 1 0

Tik, tik,tik..

the loud sound of the clock on the wall filled the big conference room. Jack stared on the table in front of him as slowly the rest of the Avengers walked inside.

The room was bright and big floor to ceiling windows decorated the wall. It looked like one of the many rooms in the ,Avengers Tower' with a big white table in the middle, chairs and a little bar in the corner.

That was the first thing jack walked up to, pouring himself a nice glass of bourbon. It was needed in this crazy house full with people ,,don't pout like that. It doesn't suit you" his sister, Olivia snickered and sat down next to him making jack just roll his eyes.

,,I really have much better things to do than sitting here in this boring ass meeting listening to their none sense" he sassed.

One thing about jack was he had an ego bigger than himself, was sassy and really hated when someone was telling him what to do. He was cocky, and snobby but in a charming way, if he wanted to.

,,well since everyone is here finally I'd like to make an announcement!" Tony exclaimed and stood up, jack already zoning out. He started talking about new missions, new suits and techniques him, Bruce and Olivia designed as well as some kinda new girl recruit- girl recruit?

That's when jack zoned jack in and looked at tiny, interest sparked him. Another thing that's important to know, is that he is the biggest lady's man ever. Blame it on his fucked up past, his issues or just his incredible looks, jack really wasn't lacking in that department.

The avengers grew annoyed since nearly every week a couple new girls left his room, either the next morning or jack threw them out after.. finishing their business.

,,Natasha and Steve found her shortly after sokovia was destroyed. She's a bit of a.. well, complicated person and really not someone you wanna hang out with but we need all the help we can" Tony rolled his eyes, Natasha next to him stood up as well.

,,she is my sister to be exact. I thought she would show up here as well but I guess Ava isn't one to be on time" she sighed.

Jack listened to her and furrowed his brows. Ava.. that name sounded a bit to familiar, but before he could dive more into his thoughts the door swung open and a short brunette walked in.

,,This the losers club?" A feminine voice exclaimed, with a heavy Russian accent, making jacks hair stand up. He would recognize her voice from everywhere. He doesn't need to turn around to know who she was. Avareylia Romanoff aka ex girlfriend of Jackson Stone.

,,Ava finally you are here" Nat smiled lightly and walked over as jack turned around and their eyes met. Bright green meet soft hazel. Avas expression was cold, even tho jack could have sworn her eyes were surprised and hurt for a split second as she saw him.

She wore black heels with tight black jeans, a low cut top tucked into it and her favorite leather jacket on top. She had a gun strapped to her thigh, which probably wasn't even supposed to be with her.

Her long dark brown hair in a ponytail that jack remembered all to well, the red lips that he felt- no no no not a good time now jack. He reminded himself.

,,well everyone, that's Ava my-" ,,I think I can introduce myself. I'm avareylia- Ava, and seems like my sister is the black widow. I really have no intentions to be here but I guess I have to" she said and fell into a chair. Yep, feisty like before as well. Jack thought and never looked away once.

,,okay uhm.. baby romanoff I'm Tony stark- but I think you know that, this is-" Tony started but Ava cut him off ,,grandpa America, thunder daddy, Ryan gosling in green, arrow, the Redhead aka my sister, the scientist Barbie aka her girlfriend and.." Ava ranted on but stopped at jack, who raised a brow.

,,anyways- I do my research flying Tin man. Can I go now? The crazy boss wants to speak to me" she rolled her eyes. She wasn't used to so many people at once. Truth is she was nervous, and sarcasm and coldness was her coping strategy, one jack was all to familiar with.

,,well Ava.. crazy baby romanoff" Tony shook his head ,,we wanted to introduce you to the tower and team in case you'll be on a mission with them soon. Natasha told us you are a lonely wolf but I guess you have to deal with being in a group now" he said making Ava just shook her head.

While jack still hasn't said a word, his mind was racing and heart beating fast. This was the worst nightmare for him to have her back. For many reasons. His sister, Olivia the ,,scientist Barbie" watched him closely, knew something was off.

,,why don't you rest a bit for today and we'll show you you're room? Jack please show her around" Tony sighed, was visibly annoyed or more off.. tired of the youngest recruits.

,,I don't think that's the best idea" ,,no that's not a good idea" they both said at the same time and looked at each other, eyes locking for the second time that day ,,I hacked you're lame security systems stark, I know my way around" Ava  exclaimed making Tony widen his eyes in shock.

The brunette stood up, grabbed the stack of papers that Steve quietly shoved towards her ,,god are all the meetings like that?" She rolled her eyes and walked towards the door. She couldn't stand being in the same room as HIM any longer without keeping her walls up.

Natasha and Olivia locked eyes, both of them sensed something was wrong between them and chose to find out more about this later on.

Jack, once again, zoned out while watching Ava walk out, his eyes wandering to places that once belonged to him

,this is gonna be interesting' both of them thought, jack downed his drink at once while Ava made her way to her new room, her home from now on..

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