Damaged souls

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5 years earlier, 4th December 2017.

Ava giggled as she was cuddled into a thick white blanket, with strong hands tickling her side ,,jack" she gasped and tried to escape his grip, making the boy laugh ,,hm I told you to wake up" he muttered into her neck and held her close again.

,,but it's nice and cuddly" she whispered and hid her face against the pillow while jack prepped soft kisses down his neck, calloused hands lacing with her own.

They both were just sweet 16 and 17 back then. Avas hair was shorter and she was thinner, face looking pale most of the time.

Jacks hair was straight, a habit of constantly using a flatiron on his curls, his muscles were there but not as defined.

Some might think they have a cute, lovey dovey teen romance. But that couldn't be further from the truth.

,,baby we have to get up. I have to talk to my dad and if I remember correctly you gotta go to ballet" he whispered and left a kiss on Avas cheek ,,hm I know" she whispered and turned around to face him.

Jacks lips immediately found Avas, his big hands cupping her face. Their mouths moved in sync while their bodies moved closer together.

,,leave you're curls jack.. please" Ava mumbled into the kiss as she stroke trough his unstyled natural hair and chuckled softly ,,yeah yeah.. I try to my love" jack whispered and teasingly pulled on her bottom lip, making Ava giggle.

Normally Ava had to sleep in her tiny room, next to the other widows. She got Taken away from everyone at just the sweet age of 4. Ever since then her life has been a circle of ballet, missions, training and pure torture.

Her family died in front of her eyes, shot by the man who took her here. Natasha was older at that time. She knew what that organization did and after that day, the faithful 4th of July, she never saw her big sister again.

,,I see you tonight yeah? Take you out and then we can come back here and be just for ourselves" jack grinned, his handsome boyish smirk resulting in Avas cheeks heating up ,,hm I like that" she whispered with a soft, rare smile.


Punch. And other one. And again. Jack didn't stop but started to furiously kick and punch the poor punching bag in front of him.

His father drove him crazy once again. He was just 17 and not his father little bitch. But you had no choice but to listen in this business. It was either that or you got killed.

His fathers mafia organization, adoptive father- jack refused to see him as anything more, owned this big empire, generations before him build it up. They worked closely together with dreykov and the red room, saying it makes certain deals and missions easier to handle.

Ava and him had met when they were about 10 years old. Became friends quickly and later on resulted into more, after they grew out of their hard teenage years. It wasn't uncommon for men or even older teens to have women on them all the time. It was a disgusting and dirty business.

So everyone thought Ava was jacks personal sex doll, so no one bothered whenever she slept over, which was pretty much every day.

Jack was solely focused on taking his anger out, couldn't believe his 'dad'. He punished him for a fucked up mission that wasn't even jacks fault. Fuck, he couldn't do this here any longer.

He continued to nearly destroying the punching bag before panting heavily, sweat dripping down his back and neck. He closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against said punching bag and tired to calm down.

His only hope was the brunette girl that made his heart flutter every time he thought about her. Her  soft pink lips, the feisty remarks and petite body that drove him crazy. After all he was just a hormonal teen.

And for once he knew he was loved as well. The way Ava touched him or looked at him. The way she was gentle and loving.. it was a good feeling, the first good feeling ever in such a bad place.

,,my god! I told you so many times now to hold the gun correctly!" Avas instructor barked, making her hold the gun even tighter ,,I'm holding it correctly, just needed to refill" she said trough gritted teeth.

The other windows had their heads down, just waited for more intrusions ,,that's not good enough- ah mr. Stone! Welcome!" she said suddenly overly sweet to the brunette boy.

All girls heads turned, swooning over the young man. He loved the attention, even tho his eyes were only fixed on Ava. Jack often randomly showed up, especially if it was a bad day and he just wanted to see his ava.

,,morning ma'am, training goes well?" he snickered with a smirk on his lips, his eyes shamelessly raking over Avas body, making her face beat up and turn away.

,,oh romanoff is just her usual snarky self and refuses to do anything right!" the older woman laughed sweetly at jack ,,I had to refill miss, I told you that multiple-" she sassed but got interrupted ,,zip it! Mr stone you might wanna help her"

Jack who watched Ava in amusement chuckled ,,oh ma'am I think you just shouted at one of you're best agents, and I won't tolerate that" he said, his voice deep and laced with ice. Even an ice cube showed more emotion than him in that moment.

Avas instructor immediately turned away and talked to the other widows, knew what power Jack held in this business.

,,hey there sweetheart. Getting in trouble again huh?" Jack whispered as he placed his hands on her waist from behind ,,she's a bitch! I just had to refill and she's screaming at me and then-" Ava rambled and out of anger shot the wooden target in front of her perfectly ,,did you imagine her face?" Jack snickered and squeezed her waist, little romanoff just nodding.

,,you okay?" Ava panted lightly and lowered her gun as jack gave her a tight nod ,,I'm okay. Just needed to see you that's all" jack whispered and pulled her closer.

It's always like that. A constant routine of brutal training or missions, cruel and harsh words of their mentors and if you don't obey? Don't even think about that.

As little kids they learned what it's like to kill cruelly, have no feelings and be top of their class. They knew the potential Ava and jack held, alone and especially together.

The scars on their bodies tell enough, but that's nothing compared to the ones in their mind and hearts.

HEY! I'm so so sorry I've been MIA for like two months :,(.
This school year has been incredibly hard for me so far and fuck it's hard to keep up. I HOPE I'll post more regularly because I have so much ideas for this story!

Jack and Ava own my heart, and I really wanted to give you all a little snippet of their past. Please let me know if you liked the flashback and if I should do more, so y'all get a better idea of them individually, their heartbreaking story together and alone.

Thanks for being patient <33

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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