Mission accomplished

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When jack woke up the next day, he felt hair everywhere. A small warm body pressed into his and his arms holding someone- huh?

As he opened his eyes he nearly let out a scream as he saw Ava cuddled up against him 'dear lord' he thought and was about to push her away but stopped.

It was a nice feeling. Deep down he missed it- her. They used to cuddle all the time, being in their own little world.

But that wasn't the only thing Jack had to deal with right now. Due to their spooning position Avas ass was dangerously close to his.. private area and he already felt his morning wood, making him groan internally.

He really didn't know if it was just a morning wood or the girl in his arms being the reason for it. And as said girl moved and cuddled more into him, he let out a grunt, Avas butt now right against him

,,screw you romanoff" he muttered and started to breathe heavily and tried to think about something else other than the fact she laid there half naked..

,,if that is you're dick against my ass I'll chop it off" Ava suddenly said and stiffened in his arms ,,oh you are awake?" Jack raised a brow and looked down at her making the brunette girl shove his ribs.

,,also yes for you're information it IS indeed my dick. Now don't feel flattered it's just morning wood" jack sassed, his face glowed red tho ,,hm what ever- why are you even holding me!" Ava squeaked and pushed him away, jack nearly falling off the bed.

,,bitch" he grumbled as the ex couple sat up, now again were on different sides of the bed again ,,you cuddled into me! Shut it chihuahua" he said and glared at her, still pretty flustered.

,,whatever" Ava scoffed and got up ,,we have to get ready. I want this mission to be over as fast as possible" ,,at least one thing we agree on" he muttered

,,this is so fucking boring" jack groaned as he stood by the door, making sure no one would come in.

The ex couple sneaked into the room of the terrorists to get some useful information, or anything that could show possible attacks. It really wasn't what the two usually would do but at least a tiny kick was to it.

,,shush, stop whining and be careful!" Ava rolled her eyes, had a USB-port plugged into the computer and downloaded their data.

They weren't allowed to do ANYTHING besides getting this important information for the avengers. It sucked and Ava really was in the mood to kick some ass just like jack.

,,are you done?! We're taking longer than planned!" Jack said from the door ,,uh yeah nearly these bastards have a massive firewall" Ava muttered and while it still downloaded she searched trough some drawers.

But all she found was some clothes and porn which she quickly stuffed away again and scrunched her nose. She grabbed the USB port after it was finally done downloading ,,okay I think we can-" she said as suddenly voices could be heard right outside.

,,shit they are back!" Jack cursed and walked over to Ava ,,we can't get out they will enter any second!" She muttered and looked around.
Hide under the bed? It's to small and narrow. The bathroom? They will most likely find them.

The only chance they have is the tiny build in closet in the wall next to the bed. Jack seemed to have the same thoughts because he immediately pulled her inside and closed the door.

It was cramped and suitcases and a couple clothes hung in there. Jack pulled the clothes over them and his body was nearly to big for the space, leaned against the all with Ava against him.

And just in time the front door opened and two men walked in, talking and so far not noticing anything else.

Jacks arms instinctively wrapped themself around Avas body and pressed her closer. His back was pressed against the closet wall, Ava flush against his chest.

The position was nothing new, often had to hide like that on missions. But right now, post break up, both of them had flushed cheeks and were kinda stiff.

Jacks hand found it's way into Ava's hair, pressed her head against his chest, the other one firmly around her waist. He had to smile a bit as he saw her one hand was already placed on her gun, the other one gently on his side.

From the outside they heard the men talking and as it seemed, they forgot something, looked trough the dresser that was on the other wall.

If they were lucky they wouldn't open the closet, because even tho clothes were in front of them they could easily be seen. Avas and jack heart beated fast, like it always did on every mission.

Well the luck was with them today, because after a couple moments the front door closed and the voices died down. The ex couple stepped out and let out a long sigh ,,Jesus Christ" Ava mumbled, hid her flushed cheeks from the close contact.

,,if we got caught fury would be furious" jack muttered and made sure they really are alone. Ava quickly shot pictures of the last couple things and mentioned for jack to follow her ,,we are done here finally- god this was a lame ass mission!" She muttered making jack snicker

,,what? Nearly being caught is lame now?" He said as Ava rolled her eyes, the two of them quickly making their way out again, to their room ,,well not what I'm used to normally! And you aren't either so don't pretend you loved this" Ava said and looked up at him, jack for once actually agreeing with her.

They were used to big things,m. Taking down cartels or being on a killing spree. Not just some ,lame, spy mission.

,,well at least fury will be pleased, we didn't fuck it up and hopefully he has some trust in us now" Ava said and shrugged, entering their room again.

But what they saw was shocking. The whole technical equipment was destroyed, their drawers thrown out and the room trashed. Clothes everywhere and all important files for the mission, that Tony handed them out beforehand, are gone.

,,fucking hell" jack whispered in shock. They both quickly came to the conclusion that maybe, they weren't so quiet the whole time after all ,,fuck. This is not good"


After the fiasco Ava and jack pretty much rushed out of the hotel, afraid they would come back and would do the same to them, as they did to the equipment..

They sped to the tower, jack nearly throwing up again and mumbling something off ,Ava being possessed by the devil while driving'.

They rushed into the tower and to fury or Tony, or anyone who was available.

,,so- they caught you two?!" Fury stated and shook his head, giving them his usual cold stare. He looked between them both, and neither could tell if he was truly mad or just well his natural fury being.

,,we didn't do anything wrong. We spied them out, we snooped trough the room and at least we still have the USB port, one of the only things that is still whole" Ava muttered ,,they came in but weren't able to see us, we hid in an old closet, they had no chance to even smell us" jack said and stroke trough his dark brown curls in aggravation.

,,I normally don't tolerate any fucked up mission. But they probably saw our team installing those cameras or whatever so I will let you two get away with it. Hand me the USB port over and we'll be fine. Sam, Bucky and my team handle the rest." He said as cold as ice, but it was still better than being thrown out or not being able to do any more missions.

The ex couple muttered a low ,thanks' and handed him the USB port over before quickly exiting the office, running straight into their sisters.

,,what the fuck happened?" Nat asked while liv looked at jack ,,are you two okay? Did they catch you?!" She raised a brow as jack just shook his head and rolled her eyes ,,it's been a long day and I do not feel like talking to anyone right now. We are fine, the bastards gonna get caught. Good night" she said and walked away.

Ava never was good at expressing her feelings or building up relationships. Jack knew that. But he also knew that other people might be thrown off by her harsh behavior. But god he understood her so well.. he was the same.

,,yeah.. what she said. Good night" he muttered and pushed past his sister, headed into a different direction.

,,whatever is going on between them, I hope they fix it because their mood swings are unbearable" Nat muttered, Olivia just nodding in agreement

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