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One more. Another one. And again. Ava was punching the big punching bag over and over again. She's been here for a day and a half, and hated it already.

Never in her life did she think she had to see him again. Fuck no. Now the poor punching bag got kicked and punched at, Ava imagining she would be punching the face of a certain Stone.

,,jeez romanoff calm down" a voice said from behind her, making her stop immediately ,,what do you want?" She said in an aggravated tone, as jack chuckled once again.

She heard steps and as she turned around noticed him leaning against the treadmill next to the punching bags. She narrowed her eyes and slipped her gloves off, was panting and sweating from her workout.

,,I just came here to exercise.. just like you" he said and crossed his arms, bicep flexing while doing so ,,oh? It's late and you couldn't have done that earlier?" She sassed. She hated the fact he could aggravate her so much in such a little time, and he still seemed to be so.. calm.

Ava wore blue leggings and a tight white sports bra. Jack would have been the biggest liar if he said he didn't stare. Because fuck he did. They may had a nasty history but that didn't change the fact that jack still thought she was the most gorgeous girl.

,,you're staring. Fuck off and let me finish" she hissed with angry eyes as jack smirked. God he loved to mess with her ,,don't flatter yourself Romanoff, you are average nothing more" he defended himself with a coldness in his voice Ava grew all to familiar with. Ouch.

Jack didn't even know why he said that. Because it was far from true. He blamed it on the fact that he was tipsy and that he felt embarrassed she noticed his obvious stares.

,,will you leave me alone? I just wanna get this over with and you are interrupting me" she said with a sweet smile, making jacks jaw clench.

He didn't say a word just walked over to the weights ,,hm don't mind me, I just wanna work out too so.. go back to whatever you were doing" he said and looked at her trough the mirror on the wall.

Ava just scoffed and was happy she nearly finished working out either way and just wanted to go on a quick last run in the treadmill. Problem tho? She was facing jacks back, since he was lifting weights and fuck- that was a sight.

He had gotten more ripped from the last time she saw him. His muscles suited him, he was tall and broad, curls hanging freely into his face. Her had slipped his shirt off his shirt and Ava even was able to catch a glimpse of his abs in the mirror.

,,you're staring" he smirked, that damn handsome signature smirk as Ava looked away again ,,don't flatter yourself. You are average nothing more" she mocked his words from before, making jack bite back a light grin.

Wether or not they where supposed to hate each other, he was happy they still had that playful manner and banter to it.


,,they have to know each other. The tension was so thick you could have cut it with a knife" Natasha said that evening, laying in bed with Olivia.

,,jack never told me anything about his past. Just a couple things but nothing to deep.. you think they had history?" Olivia mumbled, her head laying on her girlfriends chest who played with her hair.

,,if so that's not our business, as long as they aren't doing anything stupid and put us in danger on a mission, we are good" the red head muttered as Olivia agreed ,,I think- I still wanna know what happened. I guess this could get interesting..."

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