I hate you

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Ava was walking trough the tower, heading for once again another meeting.

She spend most of her time in the gym or her room, didn't even explore the city so far. She hasn't seen jack ever since their encounter in the gym and to be fair, she was happy about that.

She made it on time for the meeting, quickly searched for a free seat and- oh great of course next to a certain brunette boy..

It was the same meeting room as a week ago, when she first arrived here. Cold and white, big windows overlooking New York. The first thing Ava grabbed was a glass filled with tequila, Steve wanted to tell her to leave the drinks alone but both Natasha and Olivia pulled him down and shook their heads.

Little Romanoff sat down next to jack, didn't say a word but felt his eyes burning into her side.

Jack couldn't get Ava out of his head. She was back, back in his life. Everything he tried to ignore the years after their break up was back again. And he didn't know if that was good or the worst thing ever..

,,okay so since now everyone is there, I would like to talk about a few things" Tony begun ,,first off I'm throwing a Halloween party in four weeks- I mean it's my party so it has to be the event of the year" he smirked, nearly everyone else rolling their eyes.

,,it's gonna be big, and here in the tower. I wanna change some things up and have a motto for it!Red head and blonde I need help planning" he said and wanted to continue as liv scoffed

A costume party with a motto seem fun to Ava and at least she could have some fun and loosen up, maybe even meet someone new?

,,oh what because you can't do shit alone and need us once again to do the shit work and then have us-" she rambled making Natasha chuckle and put her hand on her shoulder ,,calm down sweetheart, he just knows we are the most responsible and know how to throw a party" she winked making liv relax, Tony looking at her in fear? Or amusement he didn't know himself.

Ava watched them closely, could tell they were dating for quite some time. Deep down it hurt her badly that her sister lived the best life while she suffered day by day. As she shot a quick glance over to jack, noticed his expression was cold, jaw slack and had the feeling he had similar thoughts.

,,next thing I wanted to say is that I have a first little mission for you baby stone and little romanoff" he sighed making the ex couple tense up.

,,it's just a tiny mission. I don't trust you both enough to let you out on the big field so you will stay here in New York" he admitted.

Jack shot him a glare. Sure he was impulsive and knew Ava was a dickhead as well but if there was one thing both of them were capable of doing it's ending a mission successfully. Especially together.

,,I do think we can be put out on the big field stark. This giant next to me- even tho I hate to say it, and I, are more than capable of doing or ending someone" she said coldly

,,and that is exactly why I want you two near me. You have no idea how to work as a team, nor how to not kill someone right away. It's just an observation, bucky and Sam will do the rest" Tony said making both Ava and jack laugh dryly.

No idea how to work as a team? They were underestimating both of them, especially together. Seems like none of them did a REAL background check on Ava or jack otherwise they knew about the deadly duo.

,,okay. We'll do it if that proofs you we are trustworthy" jack rolled his eyes and downed his now 4th glass of bourbon and stood up ,,are we done here? I have an important appointment to be at" he said and pushed the chair away

,,what? Letting You're dick get sucked?" Ava said, couldn't hold the comment back. The others watched them with big eyes, all of them knew something was off between jack and Ava.

,,well if you wanna know it that desperately, yes Avareylia I'm gonna get my dick sucked, from someone who actually knows how to do it" he smirked. Fuck why did he say that? He knew it will end up in a sloppy mess anyways

,,oh don't go there stoney. Do I need to remind you that you were moan-" Ava smirked as jack cut her off and glared at her ,,shut you're mouth Romanoff or I'll do it for you" he hissed. He didn't need the others to know his weak spot.

,,oh? I thought you liked it wide open" Ava said and stood up, making the others gasp ,,fuck off to were you came from Ava. My sex life is none of you're business" jack growled making Ava scoff.

Both of them forgot they weren't the only ones in the room. But hey, the other avengers at least go a free show.

,,did they just- I-" Nat stuttered with big eyes, Olivia having the same expression ,,they fucked. 100%" she whispered and watched them, now even more curious than before.

,,you're right it's not. I really don't want to know how many bitches slobbered all over you're dick" Ava rolled her eyes, downed her tequila and stood up and stormed out the room.

,,hey the meeting wasn't-" Tony shouted as he saw jack following her ,,over. That's why I don't have kids" he groaned and fell back into his chair.

Ava walked trough the corridors and to the elevator, wanted to go back into her room, and curse the boy for aggravating her so much.

Suddenly a large hand grabbed her waist and pressed her into the wall ,,what the fuck Ava?!" Jack hissed, his tall frame towering over her.

,,what? Is there a problem stone?" She asked sweetly. Ava was nervous. Her heart beating fast, breath hitching and mind dizzy as she felt him so close. His hand was on her waist and the other one pinning her own above her head.

,,yes, fuck yeah! What was that?! That wasn't necessary" he hissed and gripped on to her waist tighter. He looked frighting right now but to Ava  only more and more flashbacks came flooding in her brain once again.

,,oh I think you deserved it. And now let me go I have other things to do than talk with you all day" she hissed. Ava didn't even know why she made that comment in the first place. Jealousy? No never...

,,keep you're pretty little nose out of MY business Avareylia. We have to do a mission together and I can't have those annoying ass comments all day. So fuck off and leave me alone" he hissed, finally letting go of her.

,,oh believe me, you don't interest me in the slightest Stoney!" She scoffed, their faces still close.

,,I fucking hate you" jack whispered, while looking directly into her eyes ,,oh believe me.. those feelings are mutual" Ava whispered and held the eye contact for a couple seconds before waking off.

,,dammit!" Jack said and punched the wall as Ava was gone. He felt things he shouldn't feel towards her. And not only did his body betray him but also his heart..

,,fucking little stone" Ava grumbled and walked into her room. She hated him. Hate hate hate hate.. he aggravated her and wouldn't leave her mind. Made her go insane and loose her mind. That is hate? Right?

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