The party

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It's been about three weeks since the incident at the hotel happened. Fury and his team managed to capture the bad guys fairly quickly with the informations they had and the new ones from the USB port.

The air cooled down rapidly, fall had properly started and it was rainy or cloudy pretty much every day. It was Avas favorite season. She loved fall and winter, the cold weather and rain. It always calmed her down.

She loved to snuggle into a hoodie and watch her favorite show, friends, with a nice cup of tea or coffee. Paradoxically she also loved storms, even tho she was super afraid of them.

Natasha and Olivia had been planning the Halloween party for two weeks now, send invitations out and made sure the common room as well as the rooftop deck, the pool area and everything else was nicely decorated.

There was a strict dress code, without a costume you wouldn't be allowed inside. And it had to be the right costume, since the two women as well as Tony decided on a Motto party, decade themed.

It was 6 pm, the first guests would come at seven. Jack just stepped out of the shower, looked at his costume and sighed. He was not in the mood for a party, which was rare but his nightmares drained him and he hadn't had one night where he could sleep more than a total of 6 hours.

He decided to go with an 70s themed costume, white rather baggy jeans that did this mans ass more than justice. He tucked his colorful typical 70s button down into his jeans, left all buttons undone.

He wore white boots and his brown curls laid messily but still somehow perfect on top of his head. Just how Ava liked it- wait what? Nope, no, no he won't be thinking about the brunette girl tonight.

He wore his chain around his neck, his abs and chest looking more than fine and tanned and with the pink sunglasses that matched his flannel his look was perfect.


,,enjoying yourself little brother?" Olivia chuckled as she approached jack at the bar, who already downed his 3rd glass.

,,oh yeah so much dearest sister" he sassed and shook his head while looking around, taking the location in. Jack had to admit that Olivia and Natasha really outdid themselves with the decor this time.

In the middle of the room stood a big round bar, with spooky decorations and chairs all around. There was a DJ table in the corner, the dance floor big enough to fit at least 100 people, which was more than necessary.

The room was dark, with dim lights and you were able to see spooky and non spooky decorations from every decade. A big disco all above the dance floor, which would be turned on later.

,,don't be so grumpy! Jesus jack it's Halloween it's supposed to be fun" Olivia said with a raised brow, body leaning against the bar. She wore a typical early 2000s outfit, which was more than fitting for her, blonde hair styled in the right way, jeans and pink complimenting her figure and lipgloss coating her lips.

,,yeah a party I have no desire to be at, I would much rather snatch this beautiful bottle of bourbon with me and-" jack explained before his eyes went big and he nearly choked down the bourbon he just wanted to drink again.

His sister raised a brow at his reaction as she turned around, big grin coating her features as she saw what, or better WHO caused that reaction.

None other than little Ava Romanoff walked in and the outfit just begged to be ripped off. At least in jacks mind.

Ava chose the 20s as her decade. She wore a black tight and very short dress, that consisted of pearls and fringes of little rhinestones. It had a deep neckline and two thin glittery straps over Avas shoulder, making her tanned skin glow.

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