Dream team? Nightmare duo.

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,,I fucking hate this" Ava muttered in Russian, stood in the lobby of the avengers tower, had her bag packed and next to her waiting for jack.

The mission was plain and simple. Ava and jack had to stay in a small hotel outside of New York. The room was already equipped with all kinds of stuff for them to use for the observation.

A couple me , a group that has been terrorizing New York used it as a stay since a couple days and now they have to analyze their moves and motives.

The rules? No killing, no hurting, just watching.

,,I'm here! Sorry- no not sorry I was busy" jack said as he suddenly came walking in, hair messy and lips red.

Ava hated the thought of him sleeping around. Well she hated him so it's normal to feel that way right?

,,oh finally, I was about to leave without you" Ava muttered and glared at him making jack roll his eyes ,,awe just because you get no dick and I have fun- that's no reason to be such a bitch" jack pouted and squished her face, Ava slapping his hands away

,,come on" she grumbled, didn't intend to speak much to him as they walked into the big garage to one of the cars.

Ava shut the trunk after the bags were in it and got into the drivers seat ,,oh hell nah! You aren't driving! You are a fucking maniac behind the wheel" jack laughed dryly

,,oh I don't care sit you're ass down we are late! I'm at least a fast driver so sit down and be quiet. You are a walking headache" she rolled her eyes

,,dear god help me I wanna live.." jack muttered and buckled up and grabbed on to the door ,,don't kill us" he muttered and sighed.

1 hour later they arrived at the small hotel, jack looking like a ghost and stumbled out the car ,,I swear we saw Jesus and my dead grandpa! You shouldn't be allowed to drive Ava!" He said with big eyes making Ava smirk.

,,awe yeah? You afraid" she pouted and smirked ,,I am so not sorry" she rolled her eyes and opened the trunk to get their bags. Jack just shooting her glares and tired to calm down from that.. horror ride.

As they walked to the front, after jack nearly threw up outside the lady at the desk handed them the keys.

It was a very old and run down hotel. A small breakfast area and old furniture, making it look like straight out of the 60s.

Their room was small, one bed, one chair, a small dresser with an old tv and a bathroom that was more than small. They had two windows, one overlooking the fields behind the hotel, from the other one they had a perfect view of the room from the gang they had to observe.

A few men from Tony's crew already set up the newest pc and monitors and all sorts of gadgets that you need for a real observation.

,,one bed. Of course" jack groaned and flopped down on it, while Ava made sure to double lock the door.

,,you can sleep in the floor. I don't care I get the bed" Ava rolled her eyes and threw his bag on top of him, making jack groan

,,I will not sleep on that disgusting floor! You can sleep there!" He scoffed and looked at Ava and sat up ,,you know a gentleman would offer such a thing" she sassed making jack smirk.

,,oh Ava.. I am no gentleman you should know that" he winked making Avas face heat up. Oh yeah.. she defiantly knew that.
,,shut up. Fine we share. You stay on you're side and I stay on mine" she muttered and rolled her eyes as she started to put her things into the dresser.

Jack watched her and licked his lips before he stood up and did the same. Neither of them spoke but they were quite happy about that.

After they finally had everything put away, they discussed the mission, even tho it was pretty simple. Just watch what the people doing, maybe snoop around a bit but nothing more.

If there was one thing, wether or not Ava and jack got along, they were capable of doing it's ending a mission successfully.

,,we start tomorrow, I set the camera up and if there's any movement it'll wake us up" Ava muttered, always was pretty good with technical stuff. Jack just watched her from the other wall and nodded ,,yeah I'm tired anyways" he yawned

,,well if you fuck around the tower every night that is no wonder" she rolled her eyes and walked to her side of the dresser.

,,shut it romanoff. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm having fun" jack rolled his eyes ,,jealous huh?" He pouted making Ava laugh dryly ,,jealous? Me? Oh please, it's just unprofessional" she said and grabbed a shirt and underwear.

But damn right he was. Not that she would ever admit it, but yeah, maybe, potentially, she hated the fact he had so many side chicks.. or dudes whatever.

30 minutes later, jack laid on the bed, tried to get comfortable on this tiny double bed. He was tall, 6'2 which made it hard to find a good position in the tiny bed.

He claimed the bathroom before Ava, slipped trough the door and locked it just as she was about to go in, making her fume and jack chuckle.

As he heard the door open, his eyes immediately landed on Ava and- dear lord no. His twisted feelings and knotted up brain, just got even more mixed and twisted as he saw what she wore.

It was a plain white shirt, but jack saw the Armani logo on the bottom. It used to be his shirt. She kept it..

She wore her hair into two braids and he saw red tiny panties- no no no jack focus on something else. Anything else but her in his shirt.

,,scoot over you are taking in all the space!" Ava groaned and flopped on to the bed and glared at him ,,it's physically not possible for me to scoot, avareylia! This bed is fucking small" he rolled his eyes

,,oh of course" Ava grumbled and scooted to the edge as jack sighed and laid down again.

,,I know we have our troubles and shit but let's end this mission successfully okay? To prove Fury we are capable of doing that" jack muttered

,,yeah. Let's try to show him we aren't the little kids he thinks we are" Ava agreed making jack smile lightly. Both of them cuddled under the covers, laying near the edge of the bed.

,,night" Ava muttered into her pillow ,,sweet dreams of me Romanoff" jack snickered and switched off the light, Ava groaning into the darkness ,,fuck you" she muttered

,,oh if that is you're wish-" ,,Jackson!" Ava shouted and threw a pillow at him, before the ex couple finally drifted to sleep.


A/n: it's a bit shorter I'm sorry! But well I hope so far everyone's enjoying it!

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